Sunday, 18 December 2016

Becoming Alert through sex

The vibration will be lost, and the same energy will move into alertness……

Tantra has used this.
It has tried in many ways.
A beautiful naked woman will be there just as an object for meditation, and the seeker, the meditator, will sit before the nude woman meditating on her body, her form, her proportions, just waiting for the first sensation in his sex center.
The moment the sensation is there, he will close his eyes.
He will forget the woman.
He will close his eyes, and he will become alert of the sensation.
Then sex energy is being transformed into alertness….

“ Those who think in terms of physiology, they say that the sex act is just sneezing through the sex organ — and the similarity is there. 

It is not one hundred percent right because much more is involved in sex, greater things are involved in it. But in the beginning, just in the beginning, the similarity is there.

Something is thrown out from the nose and you feel relieved, and something is thrown out from the sex organ and you feel relieved. 

And both are non-voluntary. You cannot move into sex with will.
If you try, you will be a failure — particularly men, because man’s sex organ has to do something.

It is active. You cannot “will” its act, and if you try, then the more you try, the more it will be impossible.
It can happen, but you cannot make it happen.
Because of this, in the West sex has become a problem. This half century in the West sex knowledge has developed, and everyone has become so conscious about it that the sex act is becoming more and more impossible.

If you are alert, sex will be impossible.
If a man is alert while making love, the more he is alert, the more it will be difficult.
He will not be able to get an erection. 

It cannot be willed, and if you will it you will lose it.
The same method, the same technique, can be used in sex.  Just in the beginning, when you feel the sensation of an erection just coming to you but it has not yet come, you just feel the vibration, become alert.
The vibration will be lost, and the same energy will move into alertness.

Tantra has used this.
It has tried in many ways.
A beautiful naked woman will be there just as an object for meditation, and the seeker, the meditator, will sit before the nude woman meditating on her body, her form, her proportions, just waiting for the first sensation in his sex center.
The moment the sensation is there, he will close his eyes.
He will forget the woman.
He will close his eyes, and he will become alert of the sensation.

Then sex energy is being transformed into alertness.

He is allowed to meditate on the nude woman only up to the point when the sensation is felt.
When he has to close his eyes and move to his own sensation and become alert there, the same as is done in sneezing.
And why does this flash happen?
Because mind is not there.
The basic thing is that if the mind is not there and you are alert, you will have satori, you will have the first glimpse of Samadhi.”

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra ( The Book of Secrets ), Vol 2 , Chapter 1 - Be a witness not a judge (25 March 1973 pm in Bombay, India)

Wednesday, 30 November 2016


"When people come to me and they ask, 'HOW TO MEDITATE?' I tell them, 'There is no need to ask how to meditate, just ask how to remain unoccupied. Meditation happens spontaneously. Just ask how to remain unoccupied, that's all. That's the whole trick of meditation – how to remain unoccupied. Then you cannot do anything. The meditation will flower.'

"When you are not doing anything the energy moves towards the centre , it settles down towards the center. When you are doing something the energy moves out. Doing is a way of moving out. Non-doing is a way of moving in. 

Occupation is an escape. You can read the Bible, you can make it an occupation. There is no difference between religious occupation and secular occupation: all occupations are occupations, and they help you to cling outside your being. They are excuses to remain outside.

"Man is ignorant and blind, and he wants to remain ignorant and blind, because to come inwards looks like entering a chaos. And it is so; inside you have created a chaos. You have to encounter it and go through it. 

Courage is needed – courage to be oneself, and courage to move inwards. I have not come across a greater courage than that – the courage to be meditative. “
Source : Just Like That, Talk #6

Thursday, 10 November 2016




By and by you will be able to change your attention into awareness. Then do simple things -- for example, walking, walk attentively with full awareness of walking and also of breathing. Do not create any opposition between the two actions of walking and breathing. Be a watcher of both. It is not difficult”…………

“So choose a small period. The morning is good because you are fresh, energies are vital, everything is rising; you are more alive in the morning.
Physiologists say that not only are you more alive, but your height is a little more in the morning than in the evening. If you are six feet tall, then in the morning you are six feet and one half inch and in the evening you go back to six feet. Half an inch is lost because your spine settles down when it is tired. So in the morning you are fresh, young, alive with energy.

Do this: do not make meditation the last thing on your schedule. Make it the first. Then when you feel that now it is not an effort, when you can sit for an hour together completely immersed in breathing -- aware, attentive -- when you only know this, that you have achieved attention of breathing without any effort; when you are relaxed and enjoying it without any forcing, then you have attained it.”……..


This will happen, so in the beginning choose a particular period in the morning, or in the evening, or at any time. For one hour just do the exercise; do not do anything else. Just do the exercise. Once you become attuned to it, then it will not be a problem. You can walk on the street and you can be aware.

Between `awareness' and `attention' there is a difference. When you pay attention to anything it is exclusive; you have to withdraw your attention from everywhere else. So it is a tension really. That is why it is called attention. You pay attention to one thing at the cost of everything else. If you pay attention to your breathing, you cannot pay attention to your walking or to your driving. Do not try it while you are driving because you cannot pay attention to both.

Attention means one thing exclusively. Awareness is a very different thing; it is not exclusive. It is not paying attention, it is being attentive; it is just being conscious. You are conscious when you are inclusively conscious. Your breathing is in your consciousness. You are walking and someone is passing, and you are also conscious of him. Someone is making noise on the road, some train passes by, some airplane flies by -- everything is included. Awareness is inclusive, attention exclusive. But in the beginning it will be attention.

So first try in selected periods. For one hour just be attentive to your breathing. By and by you will be able to change your attention into awareness. Then do simple things -- for example, walking, walk attentively with full awareness of walking and also of breathing. Do not create any opposition between the two actions of walking and breathing. Be a watcher of both. It is not difficult.

Look! For example, I can pay attention to one face here. If I pay attention to one face, all the faces will not be here for me. If I pay my attention to one face, then all the rest are bracketed out. If I pay attention only to the nose on that face, then the whole face, the remaining face, is bracketed out. I can go on narrowing down my attention to a single point.

The reverse is also possible. I pay attention to the whole face; then eyes and nose and everything are there. Then I have made my focus wider. I look at you not as individuals, but as a group. Then the whole group is in my attention. If I take you as different from the noise that is going on the street, then I am bracketing out the street. But I can look at you and the street as one whole. Then I can be aware of both you and the street. I can be aware of the whole cosmos. It depends on your focus -- on its becoming greater and greater. But first start from attention and remember that you have to grow into awareness. So choose a small period. The morning is good because you are fresh, energies are vital, everything is rising; you are more alive in the morning.

Physiologists say that not only are you more alive, but your height is a little more in the morning than in the evening. If you are six feet tall, then in the morning you are six feet and one half inch and in the evening you go back to six feet. Half an inch is lost because your spine settles down when it is tired. So in the morning you are fresh, young, alive with energy.

Do this: do not make meditation the last thing on your schedule. Make it the first. Then when you feel that now it is not an effort, when you can sit for an hour together completely immersed in breathing -- aware, attentive -- when you only know this, that you have achieved attention of breathing without any effort; when you are relaxed and enjoying it without any forcing, then you have attained it.

Then add something else -- for example, walking. Remember both; then go on adding things. After a certain period you will be capable of being aware of your breath continuously, even in sleep. And unless you are aware even in sleep you will not be able to know the depth. But this comes, by and by this comes.

One has to be patient and one has to start rightly. Know this, because the cunning mind will always try to give you a wrong start. Then you can leave it after two or three days and say, "This is hopeless." The mind will give you a wrong start. So always remember to begin rightly, because rightly begun means half done. But we start wrongly.

You know very well that attention is a difficult thing. This is because you are totally asleep. So if you start being attentive to breathing while you are doing something else, you cannot do it. And you are not going to leave the task, you will leave the effort of being attentive to breathing.

So do not create unnecessary problems for yourself. In twenty-four hours you can find a small corner. Forty minutes will do... so do the technique there. But the mind will give many excuses. The mind will say, "Where is the time? There is already too much work to be done. Where is the time?" Or the mind will say, "It is not possible now, so postpone it. Sometime in the future when things are better, then you will do it." 

Beware of what your mind says to you. Do not be too trusting of the mind. And we are never doubtful. We can doubt everyone but we never doubt our own minds.

Even those who talk so much of scepticism, of doubt, of reason, even they never doubt their own minds. 

And your mind has brought you to the state you are in. If you are in a hell, your mind has brought you to this hell, and you never doubt this guide. You can doubt any teacher, any master, but you never doubt your mind. With unflinching faith, you move with your mind as the guru. And your mind has brought you to the mess, to the misery that you are. If you are going to doubt anything, doubt first your own mind. And whenever your mind says something, think twice.

Is it true that you do not have any time? Really? You do not have any time to meditate -- to give one hour to meditation? Think twice. Ask again and again to the mind, "Is this the case, that I do not have any time?"

I don't see it. I have not seen a man who does not have more than enough time. I go on seeing people who are playing cards, and they say, "We are killing time." They are going to the movies and they say, "What to do?" They are killing time, gossiping, reading the same newspaper again and again, talking about the same things they have been talking about for their whole lives, and they say, "We don't have any time." For unnecessary things they have enough time. Why?

With an unnecessary thing mind is not in any danger. The moment you think of meditation, mind becomes alert. Now you are moving in a dangerous dimension, because meditation means the death of the mind. 

If you move into meditation, sooner or later your mind will have to dissolve, retire completely. The mind becomes alert and it begins to say many things to you: "Where is the time? And even if there is time, then more important things are to be done. First postpone it until later. You can meditate at any time. Money is more important. Gather money first, then meditate at your leisure. How can you meditate without money? So pay attention to money, then meditate later on."

Meditation can be postponed easily, you feel, because it is not concerned with your immediate survival. Bread cannot be postponed -- you will die. Money cannot be postponed -- it is needed for your basic necessities. Meditation can be postponed, you can survive without it. Really, you can survive without it easily.

The moment you go deep in meditation, you will not survive on this earth at least -- you will disappear. From the circle of this life, this wheel, you will disappear. Meditation is like death, so the mind becomes afraid. Meditation is like love, so the mind becomes afraid. "Postpone," it says, and you can go on postponing ad infinitum. Your mind is always saying things like this. And do not think I am talking about others. I am talking particularly about YOU.”

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, Vol 1
Chapter 4 - The deceptions of the mind (4 October 1972 pm in Woodlands, Bombay)

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Anapanasati: the yoga of awareness of the incoming and outgoing breath…

Monday, 26 September 2016



People are so fake because it pays, it is a good policy.
If you are true, you will be in danger.

You can be true only in a true society where truth is respected, loved.

This society exists through lies.
Here truth is not respected, here truth is crucified, here truth is killed. Lies are enthroned.

That’s why politics becomes so important in this world – because politics is the game of lies. And the politicians become the most important people in the world. They should be the last. They become the first because this world –

This whole society – is based on lies.

And if you live with liars and you will live with this falsehood all around you, you have to be fake.

It pays, it is economical, it is safe. It protects you – otherwise people will be against you.
If you are true and they are all living through lies, they cannot tolerate you.

From the very beginning a child starts learning that lies pay. If the child tells the truth, he is beaten; if the child tells the truth, it creates a kind of embarrassment for the parents.

If the child is being truthful, nobody is for him, everybody is against him. If he is Lying, then he can protect himself.

A lie becomes a kind of umbrella. And if he is Lying in tune with the parents’ lies, then there is no problem at all. He can exist very smoothly.

And children are very perceptive,
sensitive; they learn whatsoever they see around.

People are false because they have found a key. They know what makes life secure, comfortable, convenient, safe – although convenience,comfort, safety, security, don’t bring any kind of blessing.

They bring all kinds of miseries, they don’t bring any happiness in life. Happiness comes only through being original. Unless you have your original face you will never be blessed.

But to have your original face you will have to pass through many inconveniences, discomforts. The path is arduous. 

Keep it in mind that whenever you face a choice between convenience and joy, always choose joy, otherwise you will become fake.

Whenever you have a choice between comfort and some adventure, choose the adventure, howsoever arduous, otherwise you will become a fake.

Whenever you have a choice between security and insecurity, let insecurity be your love.

Never choose security.
Security makes people dead and dull.

A perfectly secure person is already in his grave, he is no longer alive. If you are alive there is bound to be insecurity – the more alive, the more insecure.

A really totally alive person lives moment to moment in insecurity. But then there is great thrill. And he is always on the verge of the unknown and he is always moving into something mysterious.

The mysterious cannot be secure.

Don’t depend on bank balances, don’t depend on marriage, don’t depend on a comfortable and well-paying job, don’t depend on family, society and state.

People who have depended on those things are all around. You can see them – how dead they are, how dragging is their life, how sad are their eyes.

Not a single song is in their heart and you will never feel any dance in their feet. Impossible.

You can go on searching in their life and you will find desert and more desert, not a single oasis. Love does not bloom; celebration they have not known. 

Life is where opposites meet. Life is where day and night meet. Life is in the world and yet only for those who can remain beyond it.

Be a lotus flower – in the water and yet untouched by it.

OshO 💕
Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 2

Monday, 8 August 2016


“ [A sannyasin said that four days ago he started feeling strange. He was in Lonavla (a nearby hill station); he nearly got killed; fell in love; and has waves of energy rushes from the chest upwards: It's beautiful but it's terribly frightening.]

So next time you start feeling the wave just close your eyes and go into your belly, two inches below the navel. You can put your hand there so that you can feel. Just two inches, around two inches below the navel, is your hara centre. So just go there and start feeling that all those waves and all that energy is moving towards the navel, that the waves are accumulating there. The fear will disappear and you will have tremendous joy, almost orgasmic joy.

The energy is there but right now it is very wild. It has to be a little educated that's all; it is a wild, primitive energy. In the beginning it is always so: when for the first time the energy erupts it is very primitive. It has to be a little cultured that's all; you have to teach it a few things.

The first thing is: move it towards the stomach. If it goes towards the head it can create problems you can become very much frightened -- because the head cannot contain that much energy. The stomach can.

In Japan they have two types of dolls. Zen masters keep these dolls to show to their disciples, particularly to western disciples. One doll that they keep on one side is a very beautiful doll but its head is very heavy -- made of heavy metal. The other doll's stomach is very heavy; it is made of metal. On the surface they look alike, but if you push the first doll it falls and it cannot get up because the head is too heavy. If you push the other doll it falls and suddenly gets up and sits again in the Buddha posture.

This is to show where the energy should be -- in the stomach. There it can be contained and there you can contain the whole universe. So Japanese say 'think from the belly'. They mean let all your energy be concentrated in the belly: your real mind should be there.

The brain cannot contain much and it does not need much: it lives on a very small quantity of electricity. With more electricity in the brain you start feeling terrified; everything goes berserk. It needs a very very slight quantity, a homeopathic dose. Just a little more and it becomes difficult.

That's why you cannot sleep without a pillow, because if you sleep without a pillow more energy flows towards the head -- with a pillow, less energy. So you can have a better sleep with a pillow. If you keep your head lower than your bed you will not be able to sleep the whole night because energy will be flowing to your head.

That's why, in yoga, they invented the head stand posture -- because of this energy. When it is arising too much and going upwards and they cannot manage it in the head, they stand on the head so it starts going upwards to the feet. Then there is no problem... otherwise it can destroy the subtle mechanism of the brain.

Just start keeping it there. And sometimes if you enjoy, you can stand on your head too; that will be helpful. But never stand for more than five or seven minutes -- at the most seven, mm? -- because if you stand for more than seven the energy starts moving towards the head. It will move upwards only from five to seven minutes mm? -- then it knows that the head is not there. It starts moving towards the head and of course it comes in a more rushing way because gravitation helps it. So never more than seven minutes; from five to seven minutes you can do it.

And whenever you feel that it is coming, just close your eyes... and you will enjoy it! It is a beautiful moment! For this I sent you to Lonavla, mm? It is good when it happens in the hills and mountains.”

The Further Shore
Chapter 11 - Nature is the temple of god (12 June 1977 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium)


( with instructions and video link)
“ MAN AS HE IS IS A REPRESSED BEING. He is not allowed to do anything, he has just to follow RULES. He is not a free agent but just a kept SLAVE, and the whole society is a big PRISON. The walls are very subtle: they are glass walls, transparent. You cannot see them, but they are, and everywhere. Your MORALITY, your CULTURE, your RELIGION, they are all WALLS. They are transparent, you cannot see them, but whenever you want to cross them you are thrown back.

THIS STATE OF MIND IS NEUROTIC. The whole society is ILL. That is why I so much insist on chaotic meditation. Relieve yourself, act out whatsoever society has forced on you, whatsoever situations have forced on you. Act them out, relieve yourself of them, go through A CATHARSIS.”

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
Vol 1, Ch #28: Meditation: An unburdening of repressions.

--NO-MIND Meditation Instructions :
No-Mind is one of the meditative therapies created by Osho. The meditation is a week-long program consisting of two hours each day.

The first hour is gibberish, where all the rubbish of the mind is thrown out in nonsense language, sounds and movements of the body. The word “gibberish” comes from a Sufi mystic, Jabbar – he never spoke any language, he only uttered nonsense. His idea behind using gibberish was to rid the mind of all garbage and create the space of doing nothing and thinking nothing. The second hour is spent in silence, sitting with eyes closed and witnessing. The act of non doing, non thinking and connecting with the source by just being a witness “sakshi” as one sits in silence, is called Zen.

No Mind Therapy is a very effective tool to unburden one’s mind. It releases stress and helps to wipe the pain, anxiety and suppressed emotions. People from around the world, have experienced great transformations such as attaining clarity of the mind, becoming more open and centered, relaxed and silent. Hence the quantum leaps from Mind to No- Mind.

Meditative Therapies were created by Osho. They are scientifically designed for the contemporary man. A breakthrough to meditation, a speeding up process to connect with our natural state of being.

The Osho approach to therapy is that it can never be the ultimate solution to human problems, but it can be used as a tool to help prepare the ground for meditation. Based on this understanding he has created a series of "meditative therapies" that give participants the opportunity to dissolve the tensions and repressions that keep them from being able to sit silently and observe the mind that creates problems in the first place.

Uniquely simple and effective, these methods involve a minimum of interaction among the participants, but the energy of the group helps each individual go more deeply into his or her own process. No "therapist" is required, but only a facilitator who has gone through the process and has been trained in conducting it.

Meditative Therapies are processes for freeing our energy, to renew vitality and to create space for silence. They work energetically, bypassing the conscious, analytical mind. They are therefore clear, pure processes where individuals are connecting directly with their own energy, without any interference or intervention from a facilitator (except in rare circumstances where guidance is needed). And all of them are basically meditations – even in the active phase, one is in a moment-to-moment encounter with oneself.

the Meditative Therapies are:
OSHO Mystic Rose
OSHO Born Again
OSHO No Mind
OSHO Reminding Yourself The Forgotten Language of Talking to Your BodyMind

Sunday, 7 August 2016


( In the picture is Osho’s mother , Osho declared her enlightened ).

Patience comes when you are neither angry nor sad. Patience is a great phenomenon. When you are neither angry against anybody nor sad against anybody -- sadness and anger both have gone; your energies have settled, centered; you are at home....
Patience means you have come back home. Now nothing distracts, nothing disturbs. You are so happy, so blissful inside, that everything else is irrelevant…..

Questioner : “ Could you please talk about the difference between the patient non-reaction of the zen master and the poisonous non-reaction of repressive self-control?”

OSHO : “ There is a great difference -- as great as possible. When one is patient, one has nothing repressed in him. Otherwise patience is not possible. Because patience is not disturbed by somebody else insulting you; patience is disturbed by your own anger, hatred, jealousies, which are repressed within you. The other's insult functions only as an excuse; the real thing happens because of your repressions.

You go on repressing anger. It goes on piling up within you. Then just a spark of insult and there is going to be a great fire within you. It is absolutely out of proportion to the insult. And you also realize many times that it was not such a great thing -- but why did I become so mad?

Sometimes the other has not even provoked it. The other was not even aware that he was insulting you and you became insulted, you became mad. You must have been carrying anger for a long time; it was overflowing. It was just waiting to find some situation where you could rationalize and throw the responsibility on somebody else's shoulders.

Patience is possible only if you are not repressive. Otherwise you will be impatient.

Look. Ordinarily, anger is not bad. Ordinarily, anger is part of natural life; it comes and goes. But if you repress it, then it becomes a problem. Then you go on accumulating it. 

Then it is not a question of coming and going; it becomes your very being. Then it is not that you are sometimes angry; you remain angry, you remain in rage, and you just wait for somebody to provoke it. Or even a hint of provocation, and you catch fire and you do things for which, later on, you will say, 'I did it in spite of me.'

Analyse this expression -- 'in spite of me'. How can you do anything in spite of you? But the expression is exactly right.

Repressed anger becomes a temporary madness. Something happens which is beyond your control. If you could have controlled, you would have controlled it still -- but suddenly it was overflowing. Suddenly it was beyond you. You couldn't do anything, you felt helpless -- and it came out. Such a person may not be angry, but he moves and lives in anger.

If you look at people... stand by the road and just watch... you will find two types of people. Just go on watching their faces. The whole humanity is divided into two types of people. One is the sad type, who will look very sad, dragging somehow. Another is the angry type -- just bubbling with madness, ready to explode at any excuse.

Anger is active sadness; sadness is inactive anger. They are not two things.

Watch your own behaviour. When do you find yourself sad? You find yourself sad only in situations where you cannot be angry. The boss in the office says something and you cannot be angry; it is uneconomical. You cannot be angry and you have to go on smiling -- then you become sad. The energy has become inactive. You come home, and with your wife you find a small thing, anything irrelevant, and you become angry.

People enjoy anger, they relish it, because at least they feel they are doing something. In sadness, you feel that something has been done to you. You have been at the passive end, at the receiving end. Something has been done to you and you were helpless and you could not retort, you could not retaliate, you could not react.

In anger, you feel a little good. After a big bout of anger, one feels a little relaxed... feels good. You are alive. You also can do things. Of course you cannot do to the boss, but you can do to the wife.

Then the wife waits for the children to come home -- because it is uneconomical to be angry with the husband. The whole life seems to be economics. He is the boss, and the wife depends on him, and it is risky to be angry at him. She will wait for the children. They will come home from school, and then she can jump and she can beat them -- for their own sake.

And what will the children do? They will go in their rooms, they will throw their books, tear them, or beat their dolls, or beat their dogs, or torture their cats. They will have to do something. Everybody has to do something, otherwise one becomes sad.

The people you see on the streets who have become sad, so permanently that the face has taken a certain mould, are the people who are so helpless, so down the rung of the ladder, that they can't find anybody to be angry with. These are the sad people. Up higher on the rung you will find angry people. The higher you go, the angrier are the people you will find. The lower you come, the sadder are the people.

In India, go and see the untouchables, the lowest class. They are sad. Then go to the brahmins -- they are angry. A brahmin is always angry; for any small thing he will go mad. He is a brahmin. An untouchable is simply sad because there is nobody else below him on whom he can throw his anger.

Anger and sadness are both faces of the same energy... repressed.

Patience comes when you are neither angry nor sad. Patience is a great phenomenon. When you are neither angry against anybody nor sad against anybody -- sadness and anger both have gone; your energies have settled, centered; you are at home.... Patience means you have come back home. Now nothing distracts, nothing disturbs. You are so happy, so blissful inside, that everything else is irrelevant.

Somebody insults you: you need not get insulted. You are so happy. Have you watched? When you are happy and somebody insults, you don't get so angry. When you are unhappy, you get too angry. That simply shows the mathematics of it. When you are unhappy, you are ready to be angry, waiting to be angry. When you are happy, the same thing doesn't matter.

When one is deeply blissful, simply enjoying each moment of life as god's gift, who bothers? Nothing is worth it then. You have such a precious thing with you that everything else is simply irrelevant.

A religious person is not a repressed person, although the religious persons you have come across are all repressed persons. But a religious mind is not repressed. A religious mind is a happy mind, a blissful mind, a celebrating being.

The people you have known as religious have been sublimating things. But sublimation is just a trick of the mind. There is nothing sublime in it. The word is a misnomer.

And because of these sublimations, many things have happened to humanity which could have been avoided. After each ten years a great war is needed because of sublimation -- because people go on repressing. Then the whole thing becomes too heavy; it has to be thrown.

Have you seen? Whenever there is a war, people look so happy, so vibrant with life; their dullness disappears. Something is happening. And now they can call the other country names that they have been avoiding up to now. The other country becomes the devil; the other country becomes the enemy of god; the other country becomes the very personification of evil. And the other country has to be destroyed, uprooted completely.

Now destruction is allowed -- not only allowed, but praised. Violence is allowed -- not only allowed, but praised. People are allowed whatsoever was not allowed before -- anger, hatred, jealousy, violence, the murderous instincts... everything is allowed. People feel very good.

After each ten years a great world war is needed; less than that won't do. Because man has been taught to sublimate -- repress sex, repress anger, repress cruelty, repress everything, and try to smile, try to wear a mask, have a false personality.

Deep down you go on sitting on a volcano and on the face you go on smiling. The smile is false, painted. Nobody is deceived by it, but you go on thinking that you are sublimating. Nothing is sublimated.

Understanding transforms, it does not sublimate. If you understand, anger disappears and the same energy becomes compassion. Not that you sublimate: anger simply disappears, and the energy that was involved, invested in anger, is released and becomes compassion. When you understand hate, hate disappears and the same energy becomes love.

Love is not against hate -- it is absence of hate.

Religious people go on conditioning you: Love your enemy. They go on saying to you: Wherever you feel hatred, repress it and show love.

I cannot say that to you. I will say: Wherever you feel hatred, become aware.

No need to love your enemies. You have not even loved yourself; how can you love your enemies? You have not even loved your friends; how can you love your enemies? That is impossible. First love yourself, love the friends, then you can love the strangers and then you can love the enemies.

It is as if you throw a small pebble in the silent lake -- small ripples arise and then they go on spreading to the farthest shore. First you have to love yourself, then your small circle of friends, then the great circle of strangers, and then the enemies. Not that you have to force love for your enemies. Otherwise you will take revenge in some other way. You will sublimate.

I don't teach you to sublimate. I simply teach you one thing -- understanding. Let understanding be the only law.

Understand anger, watch anger, become aware of anger. Don't do anything; just let it be there in front of you. Look deep into it, and suddenly you will see that just by looking into it, a transformation starts happening. Just by observation, anger starts changing into compassion.

There is the key. Nothing has to be done -- just awareness does everything for you.

And of course, then you are patient. Not that you have controlled your anger. You are patient because you are so happy. You are patient because your anger is transformed into compassion. You are patient because your hatred has become love. You are patient because your greed has become a sharing. You are patient because now you are enjoying life at its peak. Who bothers what others say? One is not concerned at all.

A zen master was going to his temple after his morning walk with his disciple. A man came, hit him hard on the back with a staff, and ran away. The master did not even look back; he continued his walk. The disciple could not believe it. He said, 'What is the matter with you? Are you mad? The man has hit so hard and he has escaped and you have not even looked back.'

The zen master said, 'That is his problem. How am I concerned with it? He must be mad, poor fellow. I feel much compassion for him. And I cannot look back, because he is already mad; my looking back may make him more mad. Already he will feel guilty back home; with my looking back he may feel that I have condemned him. No, that won't be human. He is already in trouble. Now there is no need to create more trouble for him. That is his problem.'

When you are happy, then others' problems are no more your problems. Let me say it in this way: when you have no problems, then nobody can throw his problem on you. Because you have problems, others can throw their problems on you and you become hooked.

Patience is a byproduct of inner bliss.”

Nirvana: The Last Nightmare
Chapter 6 - Taking the risk (16 February 1976 am in Buddha Hall)

Thursday, 4 August 2016

To discover the truth you have to become a lonely traveler

howsoever arduous; even if it sometimes seems impossible, but try to be in harmony with the Whole. Even at the cost of being thrown out of the society and forced to become an outsider, don't bother about it. This is what sannyas means to me.

Sannyas means an effort to seek ways and means to be in harmony with the Whole, even if it creates a rift between you and your society, because society is man-made. Even if you fit, nothing is achieved. One has to find his home in the Ultimate, and all societies are against God.”

Until You Die. Chapter #3.

Questioner :
“I see that people go on saying that they want the truth – nothing but the truth – and freedom; they want to live in freedom. But when it actually comes down to it, nobody wants to hear the truth or live in freedom. 

They want to continue to live in lies and possess what they think they have. I see that in myself, and it is becoming less and less as I am walking the path with you. Why do we want to hold on to the ugly lies of life so much so that we give up our trueness and nature?”

“There are a few things to be understood.

One is, lies are very comfortable – mostly so when you don’t know the truth. Somebody says to you, “I love you.” He may be lying, he may be lying not knowing that he is lying, because he has been saying the same thing to many people. He does not mean much, but to you, it touches your heart.

Now to know the truth may be disturbing. He may be lying; he may be unconscious, a compulsive liar. The truth may be that he has never loved. That seems to be the situation in the world, that people have never loved, they have only believed that they love; otherwise there cannot be so much misery. Love would have removed all this misery.

Secondly, lies are easy. You don’t have to seek and search and go on for a long pilgrimage. You can invent them. You cannot invent truth, you can only discover it. And people are ordinarily choosing the shortcut. Why go the hard way? And the lie seems to be a very shortcut – you cannot find more of a shortcut. You can invent it at any moment, any lie

But to discover the truth you have to risk your life. You have to go against the whole structure of lies around you. You have to become a lonely traveler, not even certain whether anything like truth exists or not. It needs tremendous courage. 

Lies don’t need any courage; any coward can do it. All the cowards are doing it: fabricating, manufacturing beautiful lies, decorating them, presenting them to each other. For a moment it looks to be giving happiness, but a lie after all is a lie. Soon you have found it is a dead toy. You have been deceived, hence the misery.”

The Path of the Mystic, Chapter 16.


In a certain yoga posture the feet are together, so one foot releases energy and it enters into the other foot; one hand releases energy and it enters into the other hand. You go on taking your own energy, you become an inner circle of energy. It is very resting, it is very relaxing…..

“ People differ, there are many types of people. To someone who has a low kind of energy, sitting underneath a tree in a yoga posture may be the best meditation, because the yoga posture is the least energy-expensive -- the least. 

When the spine is erect, making a ninety-degree angle with the earth, your body expends the least energy possible. If you are leaning towards the left or towards the front, then your body starts spending more energy, because the gravitation starts pulling you downwards and you have to keep yourself, you have to hold yourself so that you don't fall. This is expenditure. 

An erect spine was found to need the least spending of energy.

Then sitting with your hands together in the lap is also very very useful for low-energy people, because when both the hands are touching each other, your body electricity starts moving in a circle. It does not go out of your body; it becomes an inner circle, the energy moves inside you.

You must know that energy is always released through the fingers, energy is never released from round-shaped things. For example, your head cannot release energy, it contains it. Energy is released through the fingers, the toes of the feet and the hands. 

In a certain yoga posture the feet are together, so one foot releases energy and it enters into the other foot; one hand releases energy and it enters into the other hand. You go on taking your own energy, you become an inner circle of energy. It is very resting, it is very relaxing.

The yoga posture is the most relaxed posture possible. It is more relaxing than even sleep, because when you are asleep your whole body is being pulled by gravitation. 

When you are horizontal it is relaxing in a totally different way. It is relaxing because it brings you back to the ancient days when man was an animal, horizontal. It is relaxing because it is regressive; it helps you to become an animal again.

That's why in a lying posture you cannot think clearly, it becomes difficult to think. Try it. You can dream easily but you cannot think easily; for thinking you have to sit. 

The more erect you sit, the better is the possibility to think. Thinking is a late arrival; when man became vertical, thinking arrived. When man used to be horizontal, dreaming was there but thinking was not there. So when you lie down you start dreaming, thinking disappears. It is a kind of relaxation, because thinking stops; you regress.

The yoga posture is a good meditation for those who have low energy, for those who are ill, for those who are old, for those who have lived the whole life and now are coming closer and closer to death.

Thousands of Buddhist monks have died in the sitting lotus posture, because the best way to receive death is in the lotus posture -- because in the lotus posture you will be fully alert, and because energies will be disappearing, they will be becoming less and less every moment. Death is coming. In a lotus posture you can keep alertness to the very end.

And to be alert while you are dying is one of the greatest experiences, the ultimate in orgasm.

And if you are awake while you are dying you will have a totally different kind of birth: you will be born awake. 

One who dies awake is born awake. One who dies unconscious is born unconscious. One who dies with awareness can choose the right womb for himself; he has a choice, he has earned it. The man who dies unconsciously has no right to choose the womb; the womb happens unconsciously, accidentally.

The man who dies perfectly alert in this life will be coming only once more, because next time there will be no need to come. Just a little work is left: the other life will do that work. 

For one who is dying with awareness, only one thing is left now: he has had no time to radiate his awareness into compassion. Next time he can radiate his awareness into compassion. And unless awareness becomes compassion, something remains incomplete, something remains imperfect.”
The Book of Wisdom
Chapter 22 : Bring in the New Man

Rush towards the center of your being

“ Be silent. Close your eyes... and feel your body to be completely frozen. This is the right moment to enter into your inner world. Gather all your energy, your total consciousness, and rush towards the center of your being. It is exactly two inches below your navel, inside.

A great urgency is needed, as if it is going to be your last moment.

Faster, with great intensity...

Rush faster and faster... deeper and deeper.

As you are coming closer to the center of your being, a great silence descends over you, just like soft rain falling. You can feel the coolness. The whole night is becoming silent with you.

A little closer to the center, and you are surrounded in a cloud of peace -- peace that passeth understanding.

Move a little closer, and you feel a great blissfulness you have not known before, a tremendous power which is harmless, a light that is filling your very being.

You are luminous.

In this luminosity you can see the center perfectly well. Step into the center, and you will start feeling a divine drunkenness, a great ecstasy. You have heard these words -- this is a direct experience.

Here you will find your original face. The face of Gautam the Buddha has been accepted in the East as a symbol of everybody's original face. Everybody is born with the potential of becoming a Buddha. As you step into the center, you disappear. Only the Buddha remains, only your awareness, alertness, consciousness.

Buddha has only one quality; that is the very meaning of the name "Buddha" -- witnessing. Witness that you are not the body, witness that you are not the mind, and finally, witness that you are only a witness.

Suddenly a door opens into the cosmos.

You see from where your life has been coming.

You see you are no more, only existence is.

This pure nothingness, this shunyata is the only religious experience there is.

To make your witnessing deeper,


Sink into your very sources of life.

Dissolve yourself in this ocean of consciousness.

Gautama the Buddha Auditorium is turning into an ocean of consciousness. Ten thousand buddhas are disappearing into one oceanic feeling, into one oceanic experience.

This is pure Zen.

This is the beginning of an endless journey. Gautam Buddha is reported to have said, "Ignorance has no beginning but an end. Enlightenment has a beginning but no end." You are taking the first step into enlightenment.

These are the three steps. The first step is: you will find Gautam Buddha as your shadow, but very luminous, very solid, almost tangible. You will feel a tremendous compassion surrounding you.

In the second step, Buddha will come in front of you and you will become his shadow. Your shadow of course is dark; it is only a false entity. As the buddha becomes more and more radiant in front of you, your shadow starts dissolving.

The second step is followed by the third. Your shadow has dissolved into the buddha. Only a pure witnessing Buddha remains, utterly transparent, so he cannot make any shadow.

This is your pure life eternal. This life is cosmic. You have entered into the womb of existence. You are no more on the one hand; on the other hand you are all that is alive. And the whole existence is alive, throbbing. You can hear existence's heartbeat, you are so close to it.

Now gather all these experiences, the bliss, the ecstasy, the peace, the silence, the serenity, and persuade the Buddha to come behind you. He has to become a constant companion to you in your acts, in your gestures, in your day-to-day affairs.

This is the first step. The second and third will follow in their own time. You have just to wait in deep trust. If the first has happened, the second is bound to happen. It is really the growth of the first. The third is the growth of the second, and the third is the final step. Once you have become enlightened, you are free from birth and death, you are free from all bondages, you are even free from yourself.

This is the ultimate freedom: freedom from oneself. And only a man who has attained the ultimate freedom can dance, and there will be no dancer but only dance; can celebrate, but now celebration will be arising from the very depths of existence itself; can laugh, but now it will be a totally different laughter -- it will be existence laughing through you.

All your actions will become existential; they will have a great grace and beauty and truth and authenticity.

Now come back, and bring all these experiences and the Buddha following you.

With great grace, with silence, sit down for a few moments, just to remember the golden path that you have followed, and the opening into ultimate space, into nothingness, into shunyata and the great moment when you had disappeared and only existence was there.

Soon it will become your twenty-four-hour experience. Inch by inch you will be transformed into a Gautam Buddha. That is everybody's birthright.”

The Zen Manifesto: Freedom From Oneself
Chapter 2 - Let the Christian ship drown (21 February 1989 pm in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium)

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Bliss is the ultimate law of life


Bliss is the ultimate law of life. If we remain attuned to the ultimate law of life, there is bliss, there is paradise. If we fall out of tune, there is misery, there is hell…..
( Sannyas Initiations )
“ [Anand Dhiraj -- Bliss needs patience... ]

One cannot predict when it will come. Only one thing can be said categorically, that if you are impatient it will not come. The more impatient you are for it, the less is the possibility, and if you are patient, it is bound to come. 

The more patient you are, the closer it is. If your patience is absolute, then it can happen right this very moment. But everything depends on patience. Patience is prayer and patience is trust and patience is love.

Bliss is the ultimate law of life. If we remain attuned to the ultimate law of life, there is bliss, there is paradise. If we fall out of tune, there is misery, there is hell.

There is no God as a person who punishes people or rewards them; that whole idea is anthropocentric, juvenile, childish. 

God is not a person but the ultimate law that binds and keeps everything together. It is man's privilege to be with it or not to be with it. 

Trees cannot choose, hence they are always blissful, animals cannot choose, hence they are always blissful, but their blissfulness is unconscious because they can't choose. 

With consciousness comes choice. It is only man who can choose, either to be with the law or to be against the law. If you are with the law you are blissful; if you are against the law you fall into misery and hell. It is all up to you. And because it is all up to us, there is great hope.

Sannyas is the beginning of that hope, of that choice. All that I am doing here is helping you to feel the ultimate law of life so that you can be in tune with it. 

A moment comes when you are so attuned, the moment of at-one-ment, that there is no separation, not at all; you are almost merged, you have become one with the law. Then we call that man a Buddha, a Christ -- one who has become one with the law, absolutely one.

[Bliss and consciousness are inseparably linked together]

Once this has been understood things become very easy. Then you know, whenever you are unconscious, you create misery, and whenever you are conscious, you create bliss; the key is in your hands and you can open the lock or you can close the door.

Consciousness has to be your work. The whole of life has to be devoted to becoming more conscious; that's what meditation is all about. All meditations lead to the same goal: consciousness. And consciousness brings bliss.
[To Svadadharma: bliss is the very axis of your existence, an explosion from within.]

Nobody can give it to you and nobody can take it away, because it is your self-nature. And you need not go to Jerusalem or to Kashi or to the Himalayas, in search of it. The only place you have to go is in. 

It is found not by looking out, it is found by looking in, it is an inward journey. Hence the art of meditation: it is nothing but how to look in, devices to bring you from your outer wanderings, to stop the outer wanderings, to stop the mind from its continuous extrovert occupations, so that a turning in can happen.

Once it has happened then things become very easy. Once you have known that the treasure is within then it is not very difficult to enter the same space again and again. 

Only the first time is it difficult, and the difficulty arises because the mind is accustomed too much to going out. It only knows how to go out, it knows nothing of the inner, it has completely forgotten its own center.”

Don't Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, rather Upset the Sutra Yourself
Chapter 35 - None (5 September 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium)

Die every moment to the past and be reborn again and again

when you attain to contentment through meditation, when you come to a peaceful inner space where nothing moves, where time stops... in the beginning it is a tremendous ecstasy, not only excitement…..

You have to learn to forget completely the past.
To be more exact, you have to die to the past, so that every day your peace and your contentment are fresh, ecstatic, as if you have discovered them just now.

Die every moment to the past and be reborn again and again…..

“ Excitement is for those who are miserable.

Without excitement they cannot live; their misery will be too heavy.

A little excitement in their lives, a new love affair, getting a lottery opened in their name– these small things keep them going. These excitements function like lubrications and they go on in their miserable lives hoping another excitement may be coming.

And what are your excitements?

Moving into a new house and you are excited...? Purchasing a new car and you are excited...?

I have heard about a man who was tired of his beautiful house. Finally, everything becomes tiring, boring. The house was beautiful, and just behind the house was a beautiful lake and beyond the lake the mountains and the forest – but the same scene every day, morning, afternoon, evening...

There was no excitement.

He called a real estate agent and told him that he wanted to sell this boring house. The real estate man was completely puzzled. He had never seen in his life such a beautiful house with such peaceful surroundings. It was almost paradise.

So he said, ”I will advertise it and it will be sold, there is no problem.” And he advertised it in the newspapers. The next day the man read the advertisement and he was so excited – a beautiful marble house surrounded by a lake and just beyond the lake a primeval forest, thick, with trees so high as if they are trying to touch the stars.

The description was so poetic and of course there was no mention of his name or his address, only the phone number of the real estate man.

He immediately phoned and said, ”Whatever the price, I want to purchase this house. “The real estate man said, ”This is too difficult a problem; this is your house!”

He said, ”My God, you have written such a poetic piece about it. I had completely forgotten the lake; I had started taking it for granted. The forest, the mountains... Yes, I remember now; when I entered this house for the first time there was so much excitement.”

But excitement is a momentary thing.
You cannot remain excited forever; otherwise your blood pressure will rise so high you will simply pop off!

Excitement always means going up to a certain point and then going down; it is always up and down.

Falling back into misery, searching again for some excitement... this is the ordinary run of life.

But when you attain to contentment through meditation, when you come to a peaceful inner space where nothing moves, where time stops... in the beginning it is a tremendous ecstasy, not only excitement.

But soon you will become accustomed to it, and that’s what is happening to you. Neither Have you become dull, nor are you stuck.

It is just natural. It is the way things are supposed to be. You have to learn a new art of seeing your contentment, your peace, your silence, your happiness, not as something that you had yesterday too.

You have to learn to forget completely the past.

To be more exact, you have to die to the past, so that every day your peace and your contentment are fresh, ecstatic, as if you have discovered them just now.

Die every moment to the past and be reborn again and again.

Satyam Shivam Sundram

Sunday, 24 July 2016

INHALE SLOWLY AND DEEPLY-Relaxation Energy technique

The whole body will be relaxed, and you will feel a glow as if some aura, some light, is surrounding you. You are full of energy, but the energy is like a reservoir; full of energy but with no ripples……

“ [A sannyasin who had been celibate for several months on Osho's suggestion, said she had been feeling very sexual lately and did not know what she should do about it.]

Just do one thing whenever it happens again. Sit straight -- on a chair or on the floor -- with the spine straight, but loose and not tense.

Inhale slowly and deeply. Don’t be in a hurry; very slowly go on inhaling. The belly comes up first; you go on inhaling. The chest comes up next, and then finally you can feel that the air is filled up to the neck. Then for a moment or two just keep the breath in, for as long as you can without straining, then exhale. Exhale also very slowly but in the reverse order. When the belly is being emptied, pull it in so that all the air goes out.

This has to be done just seven times. Then sit silently and start repeating, 'aum, aum, aum.' While repeating aum, keep your concentration on the third eye spot between the two eyebrows. Forget about the breathing, and go on repeating in a very drowsy way, aum, aum, aum like a mother sings a lullaby so the child goes to sleep. The mouth should be closed, so much so that the tongue is touching the roof; and your while concentration is on the third eye.

Do this just for two or three minutes and you will feel that the whole head is relaxing. When it starts relaxing you will immediately feel inside a tightness dropping, a tension disappearing. Then bring your concentration down to the throat; go on repeating aum, but with your concentration on the throat. Then you will see that your shoulders, your throat and your face are relaxing and that the tension is falling away like a burden dropping; you are becoming weightless.

Then drop deeper, bringing your concentration to the navel and continuing the aum. You are going deeper and deeper and deeper.... Then finally you come to the sex centre. This will take at the most ten minutes, fifteen minutes, so go slowly, there is no hurry.

When you have reached the sex centre the whole body will be relaxed, and you will feel a glow as if some aura, some light, is surrounding you. You are full of energy, but the energy is like a reservoir; full of energy but with no ripples. Then you can sit in that state as much as you like; the meditation is over -- now you are simply enjoying. Stop the aum and simply sit. If you feel like Iying you can lie down, but if you move that position the state will sooner disappear, so sit a little and enjoy it.

This brings what scientists call the alpha wave in the mind. It has a certain rhythm -- ten cycles per second which is also the rhythm of the magnetic field of the earth. When you are also in the same rhythm, you become part of the magnetic field of the earth. This is what relaxation is.

Sometimes it can happen without any effort. It happens while making love, doing meditation; sometimes while dancing or singing and sometimes for no reason at all. But whenever your rhythm coincides with the magnetic field of the earth, you feel very very happy and glowing, just beautiful. Just to be, is a benediction.

So whether one achieves it through sex or meditation or dancing, through listening to music or watching beautiful scenery or looking at the stars, is irrelevant. The whole point is that when your body becomes too tense -- for any reason at all -- just do it and it will give you total relaxation.

When our rhythm and the rhythm of the earth are different, the tension arises. A child is not sexual because his rhythm is still the same as that of the earth. But when he grows he will go far away from being natural, will become part of the society and will start becoming tense and worried. Anguish and then sex will arise. The more tense a society, the more sexual it becomes.

That is why the West has become so sexual. Because there are so many tensions, they have to be released, and there seems no other way to release them. But there are a thousand and one ways. So you just try this, mm?”

Hammer on the Rock
Chapter 15 - None (30 December 1975 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium)

Saturday, 23 July 2016

SANYASIN-The sannyasin is one who lives life like an actor.

( September 26th to October 5th, 1970, Osho holds a Meditation Camp in Manali, in the Himalayas. On September 26th He initiates His first group of disciples, now called neo-sannyasins.)

To me, the sannyasin is one who lives life like an actor. If someone wants to blossom in sannyas living in the thick of the world, he should cease to be a doer and become an actor, become a witness. 

He should live in the thick of life, play his role, and at the same time be a witness to it, but in no way should he be deeply involved in his role, be attached to it. 

He should cross the river in a way that his feet remain untouched by the water. It is, however, difficult to cross a river without letting the water touch your feet, but it is quite possible to live in the world without getting involved in it, without being tied to it………

“ For me, sannyas has no limitations, no inhibitions, no rules and regulations.

For me, sannyas does not accept any imposition, any regimentation, any discipline. For me, sannyas is the flowering of man's ultimate freedom, rooted in his intelligence, his wisdom.

I call him a sannyasin who has the courage to live in utter freedom, and who accepts no bondage, no organization, no discipline whatsoever.

This freedom, however, does not mean license; it does not mean that a sannyasin becomes licentious.
The truth is that it is always a man in bondage, a slave, who turns licentious. One who is independent and free can never be licentious; there is no way for him to be so.

That is how I am going to separate the sannyas of the future from the sannyas of the past. And I think that the institution of sannyas, as it has been up to now, is on its deathbed; it is as good as dead. It has no future whatsoever. 

But sannyas in its essence, has to be preserved. It is such a precious attainment of mankind that we cannot afford to lose it. Sannyas is that rarest of flowers that blooms once in a great while. But it is likely that it will wither away for want of proper caring. And it will certainly die if it remains tied to its old patterns.

Therefore, sannyas has to be invested with a new meaning, a new concept. Sannyas has to live; it is the most profound, the most precious treasure that mankind has. But how to save it, preserve it, is the question.

I would like to share with you my vision on this score.

Firstly, it is a long time that sannyas has remained isolated from the world, and consequently it has been doubly harmed. 

A sannyasin living completely cut off from the world, living in utter isolation from the world, becomes poor, and his poverty is very deep and subtle, because the wealth of all our life's experiences lies in the world, not outside. 

All our experiences of pain and pleasure, attachment and detachment, hate and love, enmity and friendship, war and peace, come from the world itself. So when a man breaks away from the world, he becomes a hothouse plant, he ceases to be a flower that blooms under the sun and the open sky. By now, sannyas has become a hothouse plant. And such a sannyas cannot live any longer.

Sannyas cannot be grown in hothouses. To grow and blossom, the plant of sannyas needs an open sky. It needs the light of day and the darkness of night; it needs rains, winds and storms. It needs everything there is between the earth and the sky. A sannyasin needs to go through the whole gamut of challenges and dangers. By isolating him from the world we have harmed the sannyasin enormously, because his inner richness has diminished so much.

It is amusing that those who are ordinarily called good people don't have that richness of life their opposites have; they lack the richness of experience. For this reason, novelists think it is difficult to write a story around the life of a good person, that his life is flat and almost eventless. 

Curiously enough, a bad person makes a good story; he is a must for a story, even for history. What more can we say of a good man than this, that he has been good from the cradle to the grave?

Isolating him from the world, we deprive the sannyasin of experience; he remains very poor in experience. Of course, isolation gives him a sort of security, but it makes him poor and lackluster.

I want to unite the sannyasin with the world. I want sannyasins who work on farms and in factories, in offices and shops right in the marketplace. I don't want sannyasins who escape from the world; I don't want them to be renegades from life. I want them to live as sannyasins in the very thick of the world, to live with the crowd amid its din and bustle. Sannyas will have verve and vitality if the sannyasin remains a sannyasin in the very thick of the world.

In the past, if a woman wanted to be a sannyasin, she had to leave her husband, her children, her family; she had to run away from the life of the world. If a man wanted to take sannyas he had to leave his wife, his children, his family, his whole world, and escape to a monastery or a cave in the mountains.

For me, such a sannyas has no meaning whatsoever. I hold that after taking sannyas, a man or woman should not run away from the world, but should remain where he or she is and let sannyas flower right there.

You can ask how someone will manage his sannyas living in the world. What will he do as a husband, as a father, as a shopkeeper, as a master, as a servant? As a sannyasin how will he manage his thousand and one relationships in the world?—because life is a web of relationships. 

In the past he just ran away from the world, where he was called upon to shoulder any number of responsibilities, and this escape made everything so easy and convenient for him. Sitting in a cave or a monastery, he had no responsibilities. no worries; he led a secluded and shrunken life.

What kind of a sannyas will it be which is not required to renounce anything? Will sannyas without renunciation mean anything?

Recently an actor came to visit me. He is a new entrant into the film world. He asked for my autograph with a message for him. So I wrote in his book: "Act as if it is real life and live as if it is acting."

To me, the sannyasin is one who lives life like an actor. If someone wants to blossom in sannyas living in the thick of the world, he should cease to be a doer and become an actor, become a witness. 

He should live in the thick of life, play his role, and at the same time be a witness to it, but in no way should he be deeply involved in his role, be attached to it. 

He should cross the river in a way that his feet remain untouched by the water. It is, however, difficult to cross a river without letting the water touch your feet, but it is quite possible to live in the world without getting involved in it, without being tied to it.

In this connection it is necessary to understand what play acting is. The miracle is that the more your life becomes play acting, the more orderly, natural and carefree it becomes. 

If a woman, as a mother, learns a small truth, that although the child she is bringing up has been borne by her, yet he does not belong to her alone, that she has been no more than a passage for him to come into this world, that he really belongs to that unknown source from which he came, which will sustain him through his life and to which he will return in the end, then that mother will cease to be a doer; she will really become a play actor and a witness.

Conduct an experiment sometime. Decide that for twenty four hours you are going to do everything as acting. If someone insults you, you will not really be angry, you will only act as if you are angry, And likewise, if someone praises you, you will not really be flattered, you will only act as though you are flattered. 

An experiment like this, just for twenty-four hours, will bring astonishing results for you; it will open new doors to life and living for you. 

You will then realize to your surprise that you have gone through any amount of unnecessary pain and misery in life by being a doer; they could have easily been avoided if you had been an actor instead. 

When you go to bed after this experiment in play acting, you will have a deep sleep such as you have never known. Once you cease to be a doer, all your tensions and anxieties will disappear. Your miseries will just evaporate, because all your miseries and agonies come from your being a doer in life.

I want to take sannyas to every hamlet and every home. Only then can sannyas survive. We need millions of sannyasins; just a handful won't do. And millions can take sannyas only if sannyas is positive and life affirmative. 

We cannot have many sannyasins if you cut sannyas off from the world. Who will feed them? Who will provide them with clothes and shelter? Sannyas of the old kind, which was a haven for idlers and recluses, cannot produce the millions of sannyasins that we need. Those days are gone when society bore the brunt of a vast army of recluses. 

Moreover, sannyasins of the old kind have to be dependent on society, and as a result they became extremely poor physically and spiritually. 

Consequently, they cannot be as effective and influential as they should be. Sannyas on a massive scale is not possible if we cling to its old ways.

I have yet another kind of sannyas in my vision which I would like to share with you. It is the vision of short-term sannyas.

I don't want a person to take a vow of lifelong sannyas. In fact, any kind of vow or commitment for the future is dangerous, because we are not the masters of the future. 

It is utterly wrong to think we are. We have to allow the future to take its course, and we should be ready to accept whatever it brings to us. One who has become a witness cannot decide for the future; only a doer does so. 

One who thinks that he is a doer can vow that he will remain a sannyasin for his whole life, but a real witness will say, "I don't know what tomorrow is going to be. I will accept it as it comes and be a witness to it too. I cannot decide for tomorrow."

In the past, sannyas was much handicapped by the concept of lifelong sannyas: once a sannyasin, always a sannyasin. We closed the gate of society forever once one entered sannyas. 

Maybe a person takes sannyas in a particular state of mind, and after some time, when he finds himself in a different state of mind, wants to return to the world—but he cannot do so because the house of sannyas has only an entrance, it has no exit at all. You can enter sannyas, but once in it you cannot leave. And this single rule has turned sannyas into a prison. Even heaven will turn into hell if there is no exit.

You can say that sannyas has no hard and fast rule like this. That is true, but the fact that society looks down upon one who leaves sannyas is a stronger prohibition than any rule. We have an ingenious device to prevent a sannyasin from going back to the world again. When someone takes sannyas we make a big event of it, give him a farewell with great fanfare, with a band and flowers and eulogies. The poor sannyasin does not know that this is a clever way to say goodbye to him forever. He is not aware that if ever he returns to society he will be received by the same people with sticks instead of flowers.

This is a very dangerous convention. Because of it, any number of people are prevented from participating in the great bliss that sannyas can bring them. It becomes too difficult for them to make a decision for lifelong sannyas, which is indeed a very hard decision. Besides, we don't have the right to commit ourselves to anything for our whole lives.

In my vision, short-term sannyas is the right way. You can leave it any time you like, because it is you who take it. It is your decision, no one else can decide for you. Sannyas is entirely a personal, individual choice, others don't matter in any way. I am free to take sannyas today and leave it tomorrow, provided I don't expect any reward for it from others in the form of their praise and acclamation.

We have made sannyas a very serious affair, and that is why only serious people—who are really sick people—take to it. It is now necessary to turn sannyas into a non-serious thing, a play. It should be entirely for your joy that you enter sannyas for a while and then leave it or remain in it forever. Others should have no say in the matter. If the vision of short-term sannyas becomes prevalent, if people are allowed to enter sannyas even for a few months from time to time, millions of people can enjoy this blessing. It will really be a great thing….

It would be a great experience if someone takes sannyas for a month or two every year and then returns to his householder's world. This experience will enrich his life in a great way; it will go with him for the rest of his life. And if a person, in his sixty or seventy years' life, takes short-term sannyas—say twenty times—he will not need to be a sannyasin again; he will be a sannyasin as he is. Therefore I think that every man and woman should have the opportunity of sannyas in his or her life.

There are going to be three categories of sannyasins. One of them will consist of those who will take short-term sannyas, say tor two or three months. They will meditate and go through some kind of spiritual discipline at some secluded place and then return to their old lives.

The second category will be of those who will take sannyas, but remain wherever they are. They will continue to be in their occupations as before, but they will now be actors and not doers, and they will also be witnesses to life and living.

And the third category will consist of sannyasins who will go deep into the bliss and ecstasy of sannyas that the question of their return to their old world will not arise. They will bear no such responsibilities as will make it necessary for them to be tied to their families; nobody will depend on them and no one will be hurt by their withdrawal from society. The last category of sannyasins will live in meditation and carry the message of meditation to those who are thirsty for it.

It seems to me that never before was the world in such dire need of meditation as it is today. And if we fail to make a large portion of mankind deeply involved in meditation, there is little hope for man's survival on this earth any longer; he will simply disappear from the earth. 

There is already so much neurosis and insanity in the world, there is so much political madness all around, that the hope for mankind remaining alive grows dimmer and dimmer with the passing of each day. And the sands of time are running out fast. So it is urgent for millions of men and women all over the world to become meditative in the short time that we have; otherwise man, with all his civilization, is going to perish. Even if he survives physically, all that is good and great in him will perish.

Therefore a very large band of young men and young women who have yet no responsibilities on their shoulders is needed. And we will include in this band those old people who have laid down their responsibilities and are free. This band of young and old together will first learn meditation, and then they will carry the torch of meditation to every nook and corner of the earth.

The meditation that I teach is so simple, so scientific, that if a hundred people take to it, seventy of them are going to make it. There is no condition that you are qualified to do it; that you do it is all that is needed. 

Besides, you are not required to owe allegiance to any religion, any scripture, or to have faith and belief as a pre-condition to meditation. As you are right now, you can join it and do it and go deeply into it. It is such a simple and scientific technique that you are not required to have faith in it. All that is required of you is that you take it as a hypothetical experiment, as you do a scientific experiment, to see how it works. And I assure you it works; you will make it.

I feel that meditation can he spread throughout the world as a chain-reaction. If a person decides to learn meditation himself and then, within a week of his learning it, initiates another person into it, we will cover the whole earth with meditation within ten years. No greater effort is needed. 

Then all the lofty things of life that man is heir to, but has lost, call be restored to him in ten years. And then there is no reason why Krishna should not play his flute amongst us once again, why Christ should not come again and again, why Buddha should not get enlightened under the bo-tree over and over again. Not that the same old Krishna or Buddha will he born again, but that in us we have the potentialities of that meditation which can flower into a Krishna, a Buddha, a Christ over and over again.

In the matter of food, he should take care that his food is fresh, light and health giving. He should avoid unnecessary violence in eating; he should not eat anything that is obtained by killing and maiming living beings. In brief, health should be your prime consideration in the selection of food.

Another important thing in respect to food is to learn and develop a sense of taste in eating. And it depends more on the art of eating than on the food itself. On the basis of such broad hints about food one should draw up his menu in accord with his own individuality.

Others can't give you a discipline; it is just absurd. In fact, everybody is the architect of his own destiny. 

Being initiated into sannyas means that a man chooses to be his own master, that he will make his own decisions, that it is his right to conduct himself in his own way. 

You can say that a sannyasin is liable to err if he makes his own decisions. Let him err; he will suffer for his mistakes. Why should you worry about it? If he does things rightly he will be happy, and if he does them wrongly he will suffer. It is wrong to take undue interest in what others do and how they do it. It is really immoral to interfere in another's life. Who are you to come in his way? One should come in another's way only if his mistakes begin to harm others; otherwise, he should not be interfered with. He can make mistakes and learn from his mistakes.

A sannyasin is one who lives with discrimination, with wisdom, who is always investigating what it is that brings happiness and what it is that causes pain, and who, through his own experiences, learns what is good for him. He is on a journey to his bliss; you need not worry about him.

Later in 1985 Osho commented:
My effort here is not to create disciples—that is just the preface—but to create masters, as many masters as possible. 

The world needs immensely, urgently, many people of awareness, of love, of freedom, of sincerity. Only these people can create a certain spiritual atmosphere that can prevent this world from being destroyed by the suicidal forces—which are very powerful, but not more powerful than love. 

If you have a Master things are simple. He can hold your hand when you are losing all track of your being. He can become your support. If you love your Master that love will be the last link. Every link disappears but that link remains. It disappears only when you have attained your own perspective, your own clarity. It is just like an umbilical cord. The child lives through the mother in the womb for nine months and if you cut the umbilical cord he will die He lives through it. That is the only link.

In exactly the same way, if you love the Master, a subtle silver cord arises between you and the Master—a very invisible phenomenon to others but very visible to the disciple. He can almost touch it. You become joined together with your Master from your navel. The Master is your mother, the Master is your womb. And this umbilical cord, this invisible silver cord, remains nursing you until you are ready and the pregnancy is ripe, until you are ready to be reborn and you can breathe on your own.

The Master is a must. If you can find one you are fortunate. Then he will interpret to you and the darkness will look like light, the illness will look like a new well-being; the curse he will transform into a blessing. In fact, it is a blessing but you interpret it as a curse. He is not doing anything, he is simply showing you what the case is. 

Old scriptures say that the master or the guru—the outer guru—can be helpful only in finding the inner guru. That is all. Once the outer guru has helped you to find the inner guru, the function of the outer guru is no more.

You cannot reach to the truth through a master; you can reach only to the inner master through a master—and then this inner master will lead you to the truth. 

The outer master is just a representative, a substitute. He has his inner guide and he can feel your inner guide also, because they both exist on the same wavelength—they both exist in the same tuning and the same dimension. If I have found my inner guide, I can look into you and feel your inner guide. And if I am really a guide to you, all my guidance will be to lead you to your inner guide.

Once you are in contact with the inner guide, I am no longer needed. Now you can move alone. So all that a guru can do is to push you down from your head to your navel, from your reasoning to your intuitive force, from your argumentative mind to your trusting guide. 

And it is not like this only with human beings, it is so with animals, with birds, with trees, with everything. The inner guide exists, and many new phenomena have been discovered which are mysteries. 

A great deal of research has been conducted in the fields of telepathy and clairvoyance, and they have yielded good results. Without the help of any technical aids, I can communicate with a person who is thousands of miles away from here, which means that astral communication, communication without the help of any physical instruments is possible. “

( September 26th to October 5th, 1970, Osho holds a Meditation Camp in Manali, in the Himalayas. On September 26th He initiates His first group of disciples, now called neo-sannyasins.)