Bliss is the ultimate law of life. If we remain attuned to the ultimate law of life, there is bliss, there is paradise. If we fall out of tune, there is misery, there is hell…..
( Sannyas Initiations )
“ [Anand Dhiraj -- Bliss needs patience... ]
One cannot predict when it will come. Only one thing can be said categorically, that if you are impatient it will not come. The more impatient you are for it, the less is the possibility, and if you are patient, it is bound to come.
Bliss is the ultimate law of life. If we remain attuned to the ultimate law of life, there is bliss, there is paradise. If we fall out of tune, there is misery, there is hell…..
( Sannyas Initiations )
“ [Anand Dhiraj -- Bliss needs patience... ]
One cannot predict when it will come. Only one thing can be said categorically, that if you are impatient it will not come. The more impatient you are for it, the less is the possibility, and if you are patient, it is bound to come.
The more patient you are, the closer it is. If your patience is absolute, then it can happen right this very moment. But everything depends on patience. Patience is prayer and patience is trust and patience is love.
Bliss is the ultimate law of life. If we remain attuned to the ultimate law of life, there is bliss, there is paradise. If we fall out of tune, there is misery, there is hell.
There is no God as a person who punishes people or rewards them; that whole idea is anthropocentric, juvenile, childish.
Bliss is the ultimate law of life. If we remain attuned to the ultimate law of life, there is bliss, there is paradise. If we fall out of tune, there is misery, there is hell.
There is no God as a person who punishes people or rewards them; that whole idea is anthropocentric, juvenile, childish.
God is not a person but the ultimate law that binds and keeps everything together. It is man's privilege to be with it or not to be with it.
Trees cannot choose, hence they are always blissful, animals cannot choose, hence they are always blissful, but their blissfulness is unconscious because they can't choose.
With consciousness comes choice. It is only man who can choose, either to be with the law or to be against the law. If you are with the law you are blissful; if you are against the law you fall into misery and hell. It is all up to you. And because it is all up to us, there is great hope.
Sannyas is the beginning of that hope, of that choice. All that I am doing here is helping you to feel the ultimate law of life so that you can be in tune with it.
Sannyas is the beginning of that hope, of that choice. All that I am doing here is helping you to feel the ultimate law of life so that you can be in tune with it.
A moment comes when you are so attuned, the moment of at-one-ment, that there is no separation, not at all; you are almost merged, you have become one with the law. Then we call that man a Buddha, a Christ -- one who has become one with the law, absolutely one.
[Bliss and consciousness are inseparably linked together]
Once this has been understood things become very easy. Then you know, whenever you are unconscious, you create misery, and whenever you are conscious, you create bliss; the key is in your hands and you can open the lock or you can close the door.
Consciousness has to be your work. The whole of life has to be devoted to becoming more conscious; that's what meditation is all about. All meditations lead to the same goal: consciousness. And consciousness brings bliss.
[To Svadadharma: bliss is the very axis of your existence, an explosion from within.]
Nobody can give it to you and nobody can take it away, because it is your self-nature. And you need not go to Jerusalem or to Kashi or to the Himalayas, in search of it. The only place you have to go is in.
[Bliss and consciousness are inseparably linked together]
Once this has been understood things become very easy. Then you know, whenever you are unconscious, you create misery, and whenever you are conscious, you create bliss; the key is in your hands and you can open the lock or you can close the door.
Consciousness has to be your work. The whole of life has to be devoted to becoming more conscious; that's what meditation is all about. All meditations lead to the same goal: consciousness. And consciousness brings bliss.
[To Svadadharma: bliss is the very axis of your existence, an explosion from within.]
Nobody can give it to you and nobody can take it away, because it is your self-nature. And you need not go to Jerusalem or to Kashi or to the Himalayas, in search of it. The only place you have to go is in.
It is found not by looking out, it is found by looking in, it is an inward journey. Hence the art of meditation: it is nothing but how to look in, devices to bring you from your outer wanderings, to stop the outer wanderings, to stop the mind from its continuous extrovert occupations, so that a turning in can happen.
Once it has happened then things become very easy. Once you have known that the treasure is within then it is not very difficult to enter the same space again and again.
Once it has happened then things become very easy. Once you have known that the treasure is within then it is not very difficult to enter the same space again and again.
Only the first time is it difficult, and the difficulty arises because the mind is accustomed too much to going out. It only knows how to go out, it knows nothing of the inner, it has completely forgotten its own center.”
Don't Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, rather Upset the Sutra Yourself
Chapter 35 - None (5 September 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium)

Don't Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, rather Upset the Sutra Yourself
Chapter 35 - None (5 September 1979 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium)

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