People are so fake because it pays, it is a good policy.
If you are true, you will be in danger.
You can be true only in a true society where truth is respected, loved.
This society exists through lies.
Here truth is not respected, here truth is crucified, here truth is killed. Lies are enthroned.
That’s why politics becomes so important in this world – because politics is the game of lies. And the politicians become the most important people in the world. They should be the last. They become the first because this world –
This whole society – is based on lies.
And if you live with liars and you will live with this falsehood all around you, you have to be fake.
It pays, it is economical, it is safe. It protects you – otherwise people will be against you.
If you are true and they are all living through lies, they cannot tolerate you.
From the very beginning a child starts learning that lies pay. If the child tells the truth, he is beaten; if the child tells the truth, it creates a kind of embarrassment for the parents.
If the child is being truthful, nobody is for him, everybody is against him. If he is Lying, then he can protect himself.
A lie becomes a kind of umbrella. And if he is Lying in tune with the parents’ lies, then there is no problem at all. He can exist very smoothly.
And children are very perceptive,
sensitive; they learn whatsoever they see around.
People are false because they have found a key. They know what makes life secure, comfortable, convenient, safe – although convenience,comfort, safety, security, don’t bring any kind of blessing.
They bring all kinds of miseries, they don’t bring any happiness in life. Happiness comes only through being original. Unless you have your original face you will never be blessed.
But to have your original face you will have to pass through many inconveniences, discomforts. The path is arduous.
Keep it in mind that whenever you face a choice between convenience and joy, always choose joy, otherwise you will become fake.
Whenever you have a choice between comfort and some adventure, choose the adventure, howsoever arduous, otherwise you will become a fake.
Whenever you have a choice between security and insecurity, let insecurity be your love.
Never choose security.
Security makes people dead and dull.
A perfectly secure person is already in his grave, he is no longer alive. If you are alive there is bound to be insecurity – the more alive, the more insecure.
A really totally alive person lives moment to moment in insecurity. But then there is great thrill. And he is always on the verge of the unknown and he is always moving into something mysterious.
The mysterious cannot be secure.
Don’t depend on bank balances, don’t depend on marriage, don’t depend on a comfortable and well-paying job, don’t depend on family, society and state.
People who have depended on those things are all around. You can see them – how dead they are, how dragging is their life, how sad are their eyes.
Not a single song is in their heart and you will never feel any dance in their feet. Impossible.
You can go on searching in their life and you will find desert and more desert, not a single oasis. Love does not bloom; celebration they have not known.
Life is where opposites meet. Life is where day and night meet. Life is in the world and yet only for those who can remain beyond it.
Be a lotus flower – in the water and yet untouched by it.
OshO 💕
Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 2
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