when you attain to contentment through meditation, when you come to a peaceful inner space where nothing moves, where time stops... in the beginning it is a tremendous ecstasy, not only excitement…..
You have to learn to forget completely the past.
To be more exact, you have to die to the past, so that every day your peace and your contentment are fresh, ecstatic, as if you have discovered them just now.
Die every moment to the past and be reborn again and again…..
“ Excitement is for those who are miserable.
Without excitement they cannot live; their misery will be too heavy.
A little excitement in their lives, a new love affair, getting a lottery opened in their name– these small things keep them going. These excitements function like lubrications and they go on in their miserable lives hoping another excitement may be coming.
And what are your excitements?
Moving into a new house and you are excited...? Purchasing a new car and you are excited...?
I have heard about a man who was tired of his beautiful house. Finally, everything becomes tiring, boring. The house was beautiful, and just behind the house was a beautiful lake and beyond the lake the mountains and the forest – but the same scene every day, morning, afternoon, evening...
There was no excitement.
He called a real estate agent and told him that he wanted to sell this boring house. The real estate man was completely puzzled. He had never seen in his life such a beautiful house with such peaceful surroundings. It was almost paradise.
So he said, ”I will advertise it and it will be sold, there is no problem.” And he advertised it in the newspapers. The next day the man read the advertisement and he was so excited – a beautiful marble house surrounded by a lake and just beyond the lake a primeval forest, thick, with trees so high as if they are trying to touch the stars.
The description was so poetic and of course there was no mention of his name or his address, only the phone number of the real estate man.
He immediately phoned and said, ”Whatever the price, I want to purchase this house. “The real estate man said, ”This is too difficult a problem; this is your house!”
He said, ”My God, you have written such a poetic piece about it. I had completely forgotten the lake; I had started taking it for granted. The forest, the mountains... Yes, I remember now; when I entered this house for the first time there was so much excitement.”
But excitement is a momentary thing.
You cannot remain excited forever; otherwise your blood pressure will rise so high you will simply pop off!
Excitement always means going up to a certain point and then going down; it is always up and down.
Falling back into misery, searching again for some excitement... this is the ordinary run of life.
But when you attain to contentment through meditation, when you come to a peaceful inner space where nothing moves, where time stops... in the beginning it is a tremendous ecstasy, not only excitement.
But soon you will become accustomed to it, and that’s what is happening to you. Neither Have you become dull, nor are you stuck.
It is just natural. It is the way things are supposed to be. You have to learn a new art of seeing your contentment, your peace, your silence, your happiness, not as something that you had yesterday too.
You have to learn to forget completely the past.
To be more exact, you have to die to the past, so that every day your peace and your contentment are fresh, ecstatic, as if you have discovered them just now.
Die every moment to the past and be reborn again and again. “
Satyam Shivam Sundram
when you attain to contentment through meditation, when you come to a peaceful inner space where nothing moves, where time stops... in the beginning it is a tremendous ecstasy, not only excitement…..
You have to learn to forget completely the past.
To be more exact, you have to die to the past, so that every day your peace and your contentment are fresh, ecstatic, as if you have discovered them just now.
Die every moment to the past and be reborn again and again…..
“ Excitement is for those who are miserable.
Without excitement they cannot live; their misery will be too heavy.
A little excitement in their lives, a new love affair, getting a lottery opened in their name– these small things keep them going. These excitements function like lubrications and they go on in their miserable lives hoping another excitement may be coming.
And what are your excitements?
Moving into a new house and you are excited...? Purchasing a new car and you are excited...?
I have heard about a man who was tired of his beautiful house. Finally, everything becomes tiring, boring. The house was beautiful, and just behind the house was a beautiful lake and beyond the lake the mountains and the forest – but the same scene every day, morning, afternoon, evening...
There was no excitement.
He called a real estate agent and told him that he wanted to sell this boring house. The real estate man was completely puzzled. He had never seen in his life such a beautiful house with such peaceful surroundings. It was almost paradise.
So he said, ”I will advertise it and it will be sold, there is no problem.” And he advertised it in the newspapers. The next day the man read the advertisement and he was so excited – a beautiful marble house surrounded by a lake and just beyond the lake a primeval forest, thick, with trees so high as if they are trying to touch the stars.
The description was so poetic and of course there was no mention of his name or his address, only the phone number of the real estate man.
He immediately phoned and said, ”Whatever the price, I want to purchase this house. “The real estate man said, ”This is too difficult a problem; this is your house!”
He said, ”My God, you have written such a poetic piece about it. I had completely forgotten the lake; I had started taking it for granted. The forest, the mountains... Yes, I remember now; when I entered this house for the first time there was so much excitement.”
But excitement is a momentary thing.
You cannot remain excited forever; otherwise your blood pressure will rise so high you will simply pop off!
Excitement always means going up to a certain point and then going down; it is always up and down.
Falling back into misery, searching again for some excitement... this is the ordinary run of life.
But when you attain to contentment through meditation, when you come to a peaceful inner space where nothing moves, where time stops... in the beginning it is a tremendous ecstasy, not only excitement.
But soon you will become accustomed to it, and that’s what is happening to you. Neither Have you become dull, nor are you stuck.
It is just natural. It is the way things are supposed to be. You have to learn a new art of seeing your contentment, your peace, your silence, your happiness, not as something that you had yesterday too.
You have to learn to forget completely the past.
To be more exact, you have to die to the past, so that every day your peace and your contentment are fresh, ecstatic, as if you have discovered them just now.
Die every moment to the past and be reborn again and again. “
Satyam Shivam Sundram

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