You have not only to hear my voice; you have to hear the still, small voice of your own being……
This is not going to happen just by itself; you will have to move a little, make a little effort. And the effort has to be very relaxed -- that is the secret. We know efforts, but they become tensions, anxieties, worries.
You have to learn a different kind of effort -- what Lao Tzu calls effortless effort -- utterly relaxed, because you are not going anywhere. You are simply relaxing within yourself……….
Questioner : “ Beloved Osho,
Being with you, seeing your beauty, hearing your cosy voice, feeling your presence -- this all uncovered again the deep longing in me for that which Zarathustra called 'the great noontide'. Is that enough? Does that lead me to the ultimate?”
OSHO : “ Shantu Abhinava, this is not enough. This will not bring you to what Zarathustra calls, "the great noontide", but it is a good beginning.
You are saying, "Being with You, seeing Your beauty, hearing Your cosy voice, feeling Your presence -- this all uncovered again the deep longing in me for that which Zarathustra called 'the great noontide'. Is that enough? Does that lead me to the ultimate?"
It is not enough, and it will not lead you on its own to the ultimate. You will have to understand something deeper on each point that you mention. "Being with You" is not enough; you have to be with yourself. Being with me may give you a taste, but that is not going to be enough nourishment. You have to learn, from that -- being with yourself.
"Seeing Your beauty" ... these are good indications, but when are you going to see your beauty? I can only be an arrow. But the arrow is always pointing towards your center. The arrow may be beautiful, you may appreciate it, that was not the purpose of the arrow. The purpose of the arrow was for you to move to where it was pointing.
You have to see your beauty.
You have not only to hear my voice; you have to hear the still, small voice of your own being.
It is a good beginning to experience my presence, but one should not stop at it. You have to experience your presence. That will bring in you what Zarathustra calls 'the great noontide'.
The master is just a milestone, on every milestone there is an arrow showing you -- move on, you are coming closer to the goal. And when you come to the milestone where there is no arrow but zero, you have come home. That is the great noontide.
This is not going to happen just by itself; you will have to move a little, make a little effort. And the effort has to be very relaxed -- that is the secret. We know efforts, but they become tensions, anxieties, worries.
You have to learn a different kind of effort -- what Lao Tzu calls effortless effort -- utterly relaxed, because you are not going anywhere. You are simply relaxing within yourself.
You cannot be a doer, you cannot make any effort to bring sleep -- that will be a disturbance. This entering into your own being and presence is almost like allowing it to happen.
That is the great effort which is effortless, which will bring the noontide and the ultimate experience. In a single word: meditation is equivalent to total relaxation. Just doing nothing, sitting silently, and the grass grows by itself.”
Source book : The Golden Future.
You have not only to hear my voice; you have to hear the still, small voice of your own being……
This is not going to happen just by itself; you will have to move a little, make a little effort. And the effort has to be very relaxed -- that is the secret. We know efforts, but they become tensions, anxieties, worries.
You have to learn a different kind of effort -- what Lao Tzu calls effortless effort -- utterly relaxed, because you are not going anywhere. You are simply relaxing within yourself……….
Questioner : “ Beloved Osho,
Being with you, seeing your beauty, hearing your cosy voice, feeling your presence -- this all uncovered again the deep longing in me for that which Zarathustra called 'the great noontide'. Is that enough? Does that lead me to the ultimate?”
OSHO : “ Shantu Abhinava, this is not enough. This will not bring you to what Zarathustra calls, "the great noontide", but it is a good beginning.
You are saying, "Being with You, seeing Your beauty, hearing Your cosy voice, feeling Your presence -- this all uncovered again the deep longing in me for that which Zarathustra called 'the great noontide'. Is that enough? Does that lead me to the ultimate?"
It is not enough, and it will not lead you on its own to the ultimate. You will have to understand something deeper on each point that you mention. "Being with You" is not enough; you have to be with yourself. Being with me may give you a taste, but that is not going to be enough nourishment. You have to learn, from that -- being with yourself.
"Seeing Your beauty" ... these are good indications, but when are you going to see your beauty? I can only be an arrow. But the arrow is always pointing towards your center. The arrow may be beautiful, you may appreciate it, that was not the purpose of the arrow. The purpose of the arrow was for you to move to where it was pointing.
You have to see your beauty.
You have not only to hear my voice; you have to hear the still, small voice of your own being.
It is a good beginning to experience my presence, but one should not stop at it. You have to experience your presence. That will bring in you what Zarathustra calls 'the great noontide'.
The master is just a milestone, on every milestone there is an arrow showing you -- move on, you are coming closer to the goal. And when you come to the milestone where there is no arrow but zero, you have come home. That is the great noontide.
This is not going to happen just by itself; you will have to move a little, make a little effort. And the effort has to be very relaxed -- that is the secret. We know efforts, but they become tensions, anxieties, worries.
You have to learn a different kind of effort -- what Lao Tzu calls effortless effort -- utterly relaxed, because you are not going anywhere. You are simply relaxing within yourself.
You are not going to find some goal, some achievement far away which creates worries -- whether you are on the right path or on the wrong path, whether you are moving in the right direction, whether the goal really exists or it is just a fiction that you have heard from others. With me one thing is clear -- that you are not a fiction.
God may be a fiction and paradise may be a fiction.
You are a reality.
Relaxing within yourself simply means not going outwards, withdrawing all your energy which generally goes on moving outwards. Don't go anywhere -- just be now and here. There is no question of tension, there is no question of any worry.
Silently you will slip into your own being and you will feel a great presence and you will hear a soundless sound -- what the Zen people call "the sound of one hand clapping." You will see the most beautiful space which you cannot imagine, which you cannot even dream of. And it is so close by -- just at the very center of you.
The journey is small, but it has to be done, and done in such a strange way that there is no doer -- almost the way you fall asleep.
God may be a fiction and paradise may be a fiction.
You are a reality.
Relaxing within yourself simply means not going outwards, withdrawing all your energy which generally goes on moving outwards. Don't go anywhere -- just be now and here. There is no question of tension, there is no question of any worry.
Silently you will slip into your own being and you will feel a great presence and you will hear a soundless sound -- what the Zen people call "the sound of one hand clapping." You will see the most beautiful space which you cannot imagine, which you cannot even dream of. And it is so close by -- just at the very center of you.
The journey is small, but it has to be done, and done in such a strange way that there is no doer -- almost the way you fall asleep.
You cannot be a doer, you cannot make any effort to bring sleep -- that will be a disturbance. This entering into your own being and presence is almost like allowing it to happen.
That is the great effort which is effortless, which will bring the noontide and the ultimate experience. In a single word: meditation is equivalent to total relaxation. Just doing nothing, sitting silently, and the grass grows by itself.”
Source book : The Golden Future.

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