Tuesday 19 July 2016


Whenever you feel that there is too much disturbance around you, or your mind is distracted too much, just chant aum. 

You can become a natural chanter.

Make it a point for at least twenty minutes in the morning and twenty minutes in the night to sit silently in this posture (indicating the posture in which she was sitting, legs folded back on either side of her). 

Half open the eyes and just be looking down.
Breathing should be slow, body unmoving, and start chanting aum inside.
There is no need to bring it out.
It will be more penetrating with lips closed; even the tongue should not move.
Chant aum fast -- aum aum aum aum; fast and loud but inside you.
Just feel that it is vibrating all over the body from the feet to the head, from the head to the feet

“ A group participant says: We did an exercise where two people were making noises, gibberisb, in the ears of someone else and when we did it I felt like this was the world -- always people saying gibberisb to me and I listen. This time I stayed with the noise and said 'aum' and all the noises stopped.]

Very very good. So you can do that. Chanting aum will be very helpful to you. Whenever you feel that there is too much disturbance around you, or your mind is distracted too much, just chant aum. You can become a natural chanter.

Make it a point for at least twenty minutes in the morning and twenty minutes in the night to sit silently in this posture (indicating the posture in which she was sitting, legs folded back on either side of her). 

Half open the eyes and just be looking down. Breathing should be slow, body unmoving, and start chanting aum inside. There is no need to bring it out. It will be more penetrating with lips closed; even the tongue should not move. Chant aum fast -- aum aum aum aum; fast and loud but inside you. Just feel that it is vibrating all over the body from the feet to the head, from the head to the feet.

Each aum falls into your consciousness like a rock thrown into a pool and ripples arise and spread to the very end. The ripples go on expanding and touch the whole body.

Doing this there will be moments -- and they will be the most beautiful moments -- when you will not be repeating and everything has stopped. Suddenly you will become aware that you are not chanting and everything has stopped. Enjoy it. If thoughts start coming, again start chanting.

And when you do it at night, do it at least two hours before you go to sleep, otherwise if you do it just before you go to bed, you will not be able to go to sleep because it will make you so fresh that you will not feel like it. You will feel like it is morning and you have rested well, so what is the point.

And do it fast... but you can find your own pace. After two or three days you will find what suits you. To a few people it suits very fast -- aum aum aum -- almost overlapping. To others it suits very slow, so it depends on you.

But whatsoever feels good, you continue, mm? ”

Beloved of My Heart
Chapter 21 - Here and Now is not a Goal (23 May 1976 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium)

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