OSHO explains the spirituality of DANCE , ( with NATARAJ Meditation instructions and video link … )
"Dance can only happen outside of the body. This is why if you dance totally you will find you no longer remain a body.
This is why I have invariably included dance in my methods of meditation, because there is nothing more miraculous for meditation than dancing.
The Mahageeta, Vol 1, Chapter #8 - 18 September 1976 am in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium
"The religious person is one who has seen the fact that existence is not problematic; it is mysterious, it is miraculous. You dive deep into it. Celebrate it!
In India we have conceived of God as the dancer, Nataraj.
Only the dancer has something unique: the dancer remains one with the dance.
God is a dancer. That means he has not painted the world; otherwise he would have become separate from it. It is not his poetry; it is not his music. It is his dance. He is in it, he is it — right this very moment, these green trees, and the sun pouring its gold through them, and the call of the bird, and you here sitting in silence, just being with me for no particular reason, just enjoying this moment, this silence. This is it."
The Secret, Chapter #8 - Fri, 18 October 1978, am in Buddha Hall
This is why I have invariably included dance in my methods of meditation, because there is nothing more miraculous for meditation than dancing..[…]...in the dance you dissolve: the dancer disappears and only the dance remains. Dance is one of the deepest meditations possible……
"Dance can only happen outside of the body. This is why if you dance totally you will find you no longer remain a body.
In the ultimate grace of dance, at the ultimate height, you are out of the body. The body goes on turning, goes on moving rhythmically but you are outside, you are no longer inside.
This is why I have invariably included dance in my methods of meditation, because there is nothing more miraculous for meditation than dancing.
If you dance fully, it you dance totally, then in that dance your being comes out of the body. The body will go on moving in rhythm but you will experience that you are out of the body. And then your real dance begins: below, the body will go on dancing; above, you will dance. The body on the earth, you in the sky! The body in the earthly, you in the celestial. The body will dance the dance of matter, you will dance the dance of consciousness. You will become nataraj, the king of the dance."
The Mahageeta, Vol 1, Chapter #8 - 18 September 1976 am in Gautam the Buddha Auditorium
"The religious person is one who has seen the fact that existence is not problematic; it is mysterious, it is miraculous. You dive deep into it. Celebrate it!
Make a festival out of it. Sing, dance, love, pray, paint, create music — but don't try to solve it.
The musician is much closer than the philosopher; so is the poet much closer than the philosopher; so is the dancer even closer than the musician and the poet. Why is the dancer so much closer?
Because in the dance you dissolve: the dancer disappears and only the dance remains. Dance is one of the deepest meditations possible.
In India we have conceived of God as the dancer, Nataraj.
That's very significant, because when a painter paints, immediately he becomes separate from the painting. If the painting remains in his being, he is one with it. When it is yet hidden, just a seed, just a thought, a dream, then the painter is one with his painting. The moment he has painted it, poured it on the canvas, he has become separate from it. Duality has arisen. So is it the case with the poet, so is it the case with the musician.
Only the dancer has something unique: the dancer remains one with the dance.
Even when he starts dancing, the unity is not broken, there is no duality. Utter oneness. In fact, when the dancer is thinking about the dance there is a duality — the idea of the dance and the dancer — there is a subtle duality. The moment he starts dancing even that duality disappears. Then the dancer is the dance. There is no dancer separate from the dance, no dance separate from the dancer. This is Unio Mystica.
God is a dancer. That means he has not painted the world; otherwise he would have become separate from it. It is not his poetry; it is not his music. It is his dance. He is in it, he is it — right this very moment, these green trees, and the sun pouring its gold through them, and the call of the bird, and you here sitting in silence, just being with me for no particular reason, just enjoying this moment, this silence. This is it."
The Secret, Chapter #8 - Fri, 18 October 1978, am in Buddha Hall

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