Wednesday 2 December 2015



" It is certainly a GREAT PROBLEM FOR ALL SANNYASINS when they go back into the world: if they remain the way they are here, they will certainly be thought abnormal, unfit.

They may lose their jobs, they may lose their wives, they may lose everything. They may find themselves in an insane asylum. So it is exactly what you are doing that everybody else is doing – when you go into the world, be normally mad; just fit with their style.

Only one thing has to be remembered: that it is your acting, that you are acting simply in order not to create unnecessary trouble for yourself and for others.

And you can act, because you have been in the world; you know all the roles there. There is no need for anybody to prompt you. You have lived your whole life in that big madhouse; you know its language, its style, its functioning. Act it!

Don’t become normal, just act normal. Deep inside remember that it is madness.

In other words, with awareness adjust yourself to society – but with awareness, so that your consciousness remains floating above and there is no compromise as far as your consciousness is concerned. 

The New Dawn , CHAPTER 7 : Your ego is the distance between you and me.

A SANNYASIN HAS TO BE LIQUID, FLOWING. He has not to be stonelike, fixated. He has to be like flowing water so he can take any form. 

Whatsoever is the need of the moment he responds accordingly -- not according to any fixed pattern, not according to any A PRIORI idea of how a sannyasin should be. There is nothing like that in MY vision of sannyas.

Never ask me how a sannyasin should be, because that will become a pattern and you will act out of the pattern. 

And any action out of a patterned life is wrong. One has to be loose, relaxed, so that one can respond to the situation. And situations go on changing. In the West it is different; here it is different.

So when it is needed to be a warrior, be a warrior; and when it is needed to be meditative, be meditative. When it is needed to be an extrovert, be an extrovert; and when it is needed to be an introvert, be an introvert. 

This fluidity is sannyas. If you become fixated, then you are no more alive -- you have become obsessed. Then you are an extrovert or an introvert, worldly or other-worldly, but you are no more my sannyasin.

My sannyasin is indescribable, as indescribable as God himself, as life itself, as love itself -- as inexpressible as existence itself. 

A sannyasin is in total harmony with existence, so whatsoever the need of the moment, the sannyasin goes with the moment, flows with the river. He does not go upstream; he does not have any idea of how things should be. He has no "ought"; he has no commandments in his mind to be fulfilled, to be followed.

This is true discipline: discipline that brings freedom, discipline that liberates. 
“OSHO Ah, This! , Chapter #6 , Chapter title: Try it My Way

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