The more stupid one is, the more enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is part of foolhardiness, fanaticism.
Enthusiastic people are always unintelligent people.
The more intelligent one becomes, the more things become calm and quiet. So the old enthusiasm has to go. That is part of a dreaming mind.
That's why every young man is enthusiastic, because youth has a certain quality of foolishness in it.
The more you experience life, the more you know life, the more you understand that there is not much to do and in fact, nothing can be done.
Then one starts relaxing, accepting; a kind of contentment arises.
But in the beginning that contentment will look as if you are missing something, because that fever of enthusiasm will not be there anymore.
That excitement will not be there, that great things are going to happen and you are going to do great things.
All that is gone down the drain.
One feels, 'Am I becoming dull? Am I losing interest in life?'
No, you were dull; that's why the enthusiasm was there.
Now you are becoming a little wise.
Wise people are not known to do much.
History belongs to the foolish — the politicians, the Adolf Hitlers and Mussolinis, people like that.
Buddha in fact is outside history.
What history has he?
Just sitting under a tree can you create history?
The more stupid one is, the more enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is part of foolhardiness, fanaticism.
Enthusiastic people are always unintelligent people.
The more intelligent one becomes, the more things become calm and quiet. So the old enthusiasm has to go. That is part of a dreaming mind.
That's why every young man is enthusiastic, because youth has a certain quality of foolishness in it.
The more you experience life, the more you know life, the more you understand that there is not much to do and in fact, nothing can be done.
Then one starts relaxing, accepting; a kind of contentment arises.
But in the beginning that contentment will look as if you are missing something, because that fever of enthusiasm will not be there anymore.
That excitement will not be there, that great things are going to happen and you are going to do great things.
All that is gone down the drain.
One feels, 'Am I becoming dull? Am I losing interest in life?'
No, you were dull; that's why the enthusiasm was there.
Now you are becoming a little wise.
Wise people are not known to do much.
History belongs to the foolish — the politicians, the Adolf Hitlers and Mussolinis, people like that.
Buddha in fact is outside history.
What history has he?
Just sitting under a tree can you create history?
You don't create history; you create consciousness, certainly but you don't create history.
Only bad people create a stir, that's why bad news is news.
Have you ever heard about good news? It doesn't exist!
A good man has nothing to say, a good man has nothing to do, a good man lives silently; there is a kind of passivity.
That's why Lao Tzu says 'I am a fool. My mind is as empty as that of a fool.'
Where he says 'fool', read 'wise', because only a wise man's mind is empty.
Only a foolish man's mind is full of thoughts and desires and plans and ideas."
The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun, Chapter #17 - Darshan 17 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

Only bad people create a stir, that's why bad news is news.
Have you ever heard about good news? It doesn't exist!
A good man has nothing to say, a good man has nothing to do, a good man lives silently; there is a kind of passivity.
That's why Lao Tzu says 'I am a fool. My mind is as empty as that of a fool.'
Where he says 'fool', read 'wise', because only a wise man's mind is empty.
Only a foolish man's mind is full of thoughts and desires and plans and ideas."
The Sun Behind the Sun Behind the Sun, Chapter #17 - Darshan 17 January 1978 pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

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