When you become vacant, you become empty, and the spiritual force rushes toward you and fills you…..

“ Surrender from the disciple, responsibility from the master: that is the bridge. And whenever you are able to surrender, the master will come. The master is there. Masters have always been in existence.
The world has never lacked masters, it has always lacked disciples. But no master can begin anything unless someone surrenders. So whenever you have a moment to surrender, do not lose it.
Even if you do not find anyone to whom to surrender, then just surrender to existence.
But whenever there is a moment to surrender, do not lose it, because then you are on the border line, you are in between sleep and waking. Just surrender!
If you can find someone to whom to surrender that is good, but if you cannot find anyone, just surrender to the universe, and the master will appear, he will come.
He comes whenever there is surrender. You become vacant, you become empty, and the spiritual force rushes toward you and fills you. “
Exactly in that mood simply wait, and within two, three minutes you will see a totally different energy surrounding you, filling your inside ... falling into you like rain falls on the earth and goes on penetrating deeper and deeper, and the earth soaks it.
Postures are very significant. If people don’t make a fetish out of them, they are very significant. They help to set a trend in your body energy.
When the whole body is relaxed it is very difficult to be aggressive, violent, and it is very easy to be prayerful.”
Source : The Orange Book , page 116.
When you become vacant, you become empty, and the spiritual force rushes toward you and fills you…..

“ Surrender from the disciple, responsibility from the master: that is the bridge. And whenever you are able to surrender, the master will come. The master is there. Masters have always been in existence.
The world has never lacked masters, it has always lacked disciples. But no master can begin anything unless someone surrenders. So whenever you have a moment to surrender, do not lose it.
Even if you do not find anyone to whom to surrender, then just surrender to existence.
But whenever there is a moment to surrender, do not lose it, because then you are on the border line, you are in between sleep and waking. Just surrender!
If you can find someone to whom to surrender that is good, but if you cannot find anyone, just surrender to the universe, and the master will appear, he will come.
He comes whenever there is surrender. You become vacant, you become empty, and the spiritual force rushes toward you and fills you. “
Source book : Meditation: The Art of Ecstasy , Chapter 9: Initiation to a Master: The Ultimate Technique.
“ The posture of the hands being like a cup, like a receptacle, is very meaningful. It makes you receptive, it helps you to be receptive. It is one of the old, ancient postures – all Buddhas have tried it.
Whenever you are open, or you want to be open, this posture will help.
Sit silently and wait. Be a receptacle, a receiving end.
Just as you wait on the phone: you have rung, you wait on the phone.
Source book : Meditation: The Art of Ecstasy , Chapter 9: Initiation to a Master: The Ultimate Technique.
“ The posture of the hands being like a cup, like a receptacle, is very meaningful. It makes you receptive, it helps you to be receptive. It is one of the old, ancient postures – all Buddhas have tried it.
Whenever you are open, or you want to be open, this posture will help.
Sit silently and wait. Be a receptacle, a receiving end.
Just as you wait on the phone: you have rung, you wait on the phone.
Exactly in that mood simply wait, and within two, three minutes you will see a totally different energy surrounding you, filling your inside ... falling into you like rain falls on the earth and goes on penetrating deeper and deeper, and the earth soaks it.
Postures are very significant. If people don’t make a fetish out of them, they are very significant. They help to set a trend in your body energy.
For example with this posture it is very difficult to be angry. With a fist and with teeth clenched, it is very easy to be angry.
When the whole body is relaxed it is very difficult to be aggressive, violent, and it is very easy to be prayerful.”
Source : The Orange Book , page 116.
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