Let that be your meditation. Whenever you have time close your eyes; visualise light…..
“ The more you meditate on light, the more you will be surprised that something inside starts opening as if a bud is opening and becoming a flower.
Meditation on light is one of the most ancient meditations.
In all the ages, in all the countries, in all the religions, it has been emphasised for a particular reason, because the moment you meditate on light,
something inside you that has remained a bud starts opening its petals.
The very meditation on light creates a space for its opening.
So let that be your meditation.
Whenever you have time close your eyes; visualise light.
Whenever you see light be in tune with it.
Just don’t go on ignoring it. Be worshipful towards it.
It may be a sunrise, it may be just a candle in the room, but be prayerful towards it and you will gain much.
Great is the benediction if one continues feeling in tune with light. “
The Orange Book , page 163
Meditators are thought to be escapists. That is utter nonsense. Only the meditator is not an escapist – everybody else is.
Meditation means getting out of desire, getting out of thoughts, getting out of the mind. Meditation means relaxing in the moment, in the present.
Meditation is the only thing in the world which is not escapist, although it is thought to be the most escapist thing.
People who condemn meditation always condemn it with the argument that it is escape, escaping from life. They are simply talking nonsense; they don’t understand what they are saying.
Meditation is not escaping from life: it is escaping into life. Mind is escaping from life, desire is escaping from life.”
The Orange Book , page 118.
Let that be your meditation. Whenever you have time close your eyes; visualise light…..
“ The more you meditate on light, the more you will be surprised that something inside starts opening as if a bud is opening and becoming a flower.
Meditation on light is one of the most ancient meditations.
In all the ages, in all the countries, in all the religions, it has been emphasised for a particular reason, because the moment you meditate on light,
something inside you that has remained a bud starts opening its petals.
The very meditation on light creates a space for its opening.
So let that be your meditation.
Whenever you have time close your eyes; visualise light.
Whenever you see light be in tune with it.
Just don’t go on ignoring it. Be worshipful towards it.
It may be a sunrise, it may be just a candle in the room, but be prayerful towards it and you will gain much.
Great is the benediction if one continues feeling in tune with light. “
The Orange Book , page 163
Meditators are thought to be escapists. That is utter nonsense. Only the meditator is not an escapist – everybody else is.
Meditation means getting out of desire, getting out of thoughts, getting out of the mind. Meditation means relaxing in the moment, in the present.
Meditation is the only thing in the world which is not escapist, although it is thought to be the most escapist thing.
People who condemn meditation always condemn it with the argument that it is escape, escaping from life. They are simply talking nonsense; they don’t understand what they are saying.
Meditation is not escaping from life: it is escaping into life. Mind is escaping from life, desire is escaping from life.”
The Orange Book , page 118.

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