So just think of god showering on you like rain. ….
“ Deva means divine, varsha means rain - and you have to keep that continuously in your awareness, that god is raining on you. And it is not imagination, it is the truth: god is raining every moment.
It is not that one day life was given to you and then god stopped giving life to you, and that a certain quota has been given, so when you finish it, you are finished - no. Each moment life is being renewed.
We are given only one moment at a time, so to live rightly one needs only to know how to live rightly in the moment. One need not worry about the whole life.
So just think of god showering on you like rain. And when it is raining sometimes just go out and stand in the falling rain with closed eyes: let that be your meditation. Feel, with every raindrop, god bringing freshness, life, to you. In the morning when the sun rises, feel, mm? - the sunrays are raining on you, in the night the moon. And you can find a thousand and one ways, because he is raining in a thousand and one ways every moment.
If we become aware of all that he is giving, there will be tremendous bliss. Then there is no point in being miserable. Man is miserable because he does not know what he has got, he does not know what is being given to him every moment, he does not know that he deserves nothing and all has been given to him.
The moment we see that we don't deserve anything and yet so much has been given, gratitude arises. That gratitude is prayer.
“ Deva means divine, varsha means rain - and you have to keep that continuously in your awareness, that god is raining on you. And it is not imagination, it is the truth: god is raining every moment.
We live only because he goes on raining; the moment the rain stops, we disappear. It is a subtle energy rain - it is invisible, but life is continuously being given to you.
It is not that one day life was given to you and then god stopped giving life to you, and that a certain quota has been given, so when you finish it, you are finished - no. Each moment life is being renewed.
We are given only one moment at a time, so to live rightly one needs only to know how to live rightly in the moment. One need not worry about the whole life.
If you can take care of the present moment you have taken care of your whole life; then everything will fall into line by itself.
If the now is beautiful you have opened the door of the shrine - everything will be beautiful, and more beautiful every moment because the next moment is born out of this moment. If you live god this moment, you become capable of living him more in the next moment - you can contain more of god the next moment.
So just think of god showering on you like rain. And when it is raining sometimes just go out and stand in the falling rain with closed eyes: let that be your meditation. Feel, with every raindrop, god bringing freshness, life, to you. In the morning when the sun rises, feel, mm? - the sunrays are raining on you, in the night the moon. And you can find a thousand and one ways, because he is raining in a thousand and one ways every moment.
If we become aware of all that he is giving, there will be tremendous bliss. Then there is no point in being miserable. Man is miserable because he does not know what he has got, he does not know what is being given to him every moment, he does not know that he deserves nothing and all has been given to him.
The moment we see that we don't deserve anything and yet so much has been given, gratitude arises. That gratitude is prayer.
Source book : For Madmen Only ( Price of Admission Your Mind )
“ Joy is not happiness, because happiness is always mixed with unhappiness.
Joy is forever, happiness is momentary.
Happiness is caused by the outside, hence can be taken away from the outside.
Joy arises within; it has nothing to do with the outside.
It is not caused by others.
It is not caused at all, it is the spontaneous flow of your own energy.
Live in joy...
Live in your own innermost nature, with absolute acceptance of whosoever you are.
Live in joy, in love...
One who lives in joy naturally lives in love.
Love is the fragrance of the flower of joy. “
"The whole world is made of miracles, its just we're so used to seeing them we call them ordinary things."
Hans Christian Andersen
“ Not knowing when the dawn will come
I open every door. “
Emily Dickinson

Source book : For Madmen Only ( Price of Admission Your Mind )
“ Joy is not happiness, because happiness is always mixed with unhappiness.
Joy is forever, happiness is momentary.
Happiness is caused by the outside, hence can be taken away from the outside.
Joy arises within; it has nothing to do with the outside.
It is not caused by others.
It is not caused at all, it is the spontaneous flow of your own energy.
Live in joy...
Live in your own innermost nature, with absolute acceptance of whosoever you are.
Live in joy, in love...
One who lives in joy naturally lives in love.
Love is the fragrance of the flower of joy. “
"The whole world is made of miracles, its just we're so used to seeing them we call them ordinary things."
Hans Christian Andersen
“ Not knowing when the dawn will come
I open every door. “
Emily Dickinson

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