Thursday, 4 December 2014


MAKE IT CLEAR, because the world is not clear even though medical science is absolutely clear. Even doctors in India I have found idiotic. I asked them that "You tell me the medical viewpoint... I am not asking your Hindu viewpoint." Hindus think -- and perhaps other religions all over the world also think -- that masturbation leads people to madness. That is just an idea to prevent masturbation. Nobody wants to be mad, and when from childhood on you hear again and again that masturbation leads to madness, naturally you become afraid that this is not good. MEDICAL SCIENCE IS ABSOLUTELY CLEAR THAT MASTURBATION CANNOT LEAD ANYBODY TO MADNESS, for one thing. The second thing, the religions go on repeating that too much masturbation will destroy all your intelligence; you will die sooner.
NOW, NOBODY CAN MASTURBATE TOO MUCH; that is sheer impossibility. You can masturbate only so much -- you have a certain quantity of semen in your body, you can only release that much semen -- more than that is beyond you. Whatever you do, you cannot suddenly produce semen, it will take time. So there is a natural prevention against doing it too much, and if the monks of all the religions listen to me, I will tell them: MASTURBATE AND MEDITATE!
I can even give a title to a book: MEDITATION THROUGH MASTURBATION. If superconsciousness is possible through sex, then why meditation is not possible through masturbation? And certainly it is possible. People just have to look at things with new eyes.
AS A PERSON WHO IS MASTURBATING STARTS FEELING HE IS COMING TO AN ORGASMIC STATE, HIS THOUGHTS DISAPPEAR. He is in the same orgasmic state as while he is making love to a woman; there is no difference. His biology knows no difference. Whether the semen is released in some mechanism, in some body or somewhere else, it does not matter. It is just bringing your sexual tension to its ultimate, which is more easily possible in masturbation, because with a woman the other is also there. IN MASTURBATION YOU ARE A MASTER. You can go slow, you can go fast; you can bring the orgasmic state very slowly. AND THAT ORGASMIC STATE IS MEDITATION, be aware. It will be easier, because there is nobody else to disturb; you are alone.

So make it known to the whole world that MASTURBATION DOES NOT LEAD TO MADNESS; celibacy can lead to madness but not masturbation. ... And masturbation can be joined with meditation.
So I am saying all these things for your benefit, because these problems you will have to face, and you should not commit the same mistakes. IF A CHILD IS FOUND MASTURBATING, THEN DON'T DO THE SAME STUPIDITY THAT IS BEING DONE ALL OVER THE WORLD. Just tell him, "This is perfectly good. You meditate also with it, and you will get more juice out of it. And there is nothing wrong in it, so you don't need to hide." But man is such a coward; he is not ready to face any reality....
Because you also carry them in your mind, you can start having the same stupid ideas when your children are masturbating -- AND THEY WILL MASTURBATE. What do you expect when nature makes the child fully capable of making love at the age of fourteen? You are preventing him for ten, twelve years. Has he to be celibate until the time he is out of the university with a master's degree or Ph.D? You are just asking nonsense.
The Last Testament
Vol 2, Ch #23: Religion Is Just Rubbish

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